There is an average of one mass shooting every day in the United States. That alone should convince rational people that we have a serious problem with gun violence. But now we have another statistic that shows the problem is growing.
The number of gun deaths in the United States is growing. There were 28,874 gun deaths in 1999. In 2017, the number of gun deaths had grown to 39,773 -- a yearly growth of more than 10,000 deaths.
And this cannot be attributed to a growth in population. The rate of gun deaths per 100,000 has also grown -- from 10.3 in 1999 to 12.2 in 2017. That a significant jump!
I expect Trump and the Republican Senate will block any attempt to save lives with more reasonable and constitutional laws about guns. That's why they must be voted out of power in 2020.
The numbers in the charts above are from the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC).