There Shall Be Change

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Some of you may be aware that I was made redundant last week, and because of this there has to be change.

I've already got myself back on the job hunt already and been sorting our my cv.

I don't think it has really sunk in yet, i've not cried or panicked. I do think it has done me a favour as I was getting stuck in a rut but I am hoping that something new does come along soon.

There is one benefit to being off work and that is I can pay more attention to my blog. I've been struggling to find the time to update and to use products to review and things. I do have some posts that I planned on writing back when I started my blog so hopefully I'll get those done. I'm not sure what direction we'll end up in but there will be change, even if it's only slightly more regular updates, though i'm not promising anything.

Tink x