There’s a New Sheriff In Town

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Last week, a big BOMB was dropped in my vicinity. Google announced that Google Reader was dying and would be buried to rest on July 1, 2013. You can read their blog post, Powering Down Google Reader.


This left me sooooo disgruntled and scrambling to find me a new app from my phone and web for my blog RSS feeds. Ya see, I LIVE BY MY READER! 

I truly don’t want 200 emails in my Inbox, or 100 emails daily in my Inbox!

I LOVE using a Reader to follow all your awesome blogs!

So the hunt for a new Reader has been very trying imo. I’ve tried Feedly, Netvibes, and The Old Reader. Feedly has a mobile app, cool right? Meh, it’s not all that imo. Netvibes nor The Old Reader have a mobile app however you can reach it via web browser.


Over the past week, I kept seeing things about Bloglovin‘. I used Bloglovin’ in the past for finding new blogs and connecting with bloggers, however, it just never caught on for me. So last night, in all my disgruntledness, I went to Bloglovin’ and BOY am I glad I did!

Bloglovin’ is AWESOME imo! It allows you to Import your RSS subscriptions from Google Reader!

Can you say AWESOME!!!

Once imported, and it will tell you it’s done, it takes you to your Dashboard.

See that on the left? You can sort your blogs into Categories! It will also show you how many NEW posts there are in each Category! You can sort your list via Blog Name or by Date. I prefer Date

You can scroll down, click on the blog name, read the post, share it, like it and everything else, via the Bloglovin’ Dashboard OR you can click to go directly to the blog itself!

It’s soooo dreamy!!

You also have a Profile area where you can share a little about yourself AS WELL AS add your blogs! When you add your blogs, your posts get added into the Bloglovin’ GLOBAL feed!


Wanna hear more?

Well let’s just not stop with Bloglovin’ on the web! Did I mention it has a Chrome Extension? HOLY MOLY! The extension notifies you when you have new posts in your Bloglovin’ feed as well as gives you quick access to your Dashboard!

And don’t let me stop there!

There’s even an APP for that!



I’m totally in LOVE!!!

So if you’re one like me who is totally addicted to your Google Reader and dreading the change; even PROCRASTINATING finding a new Reader, LOOK NO FURTHER!

I highly recommend giving Bloglovin’ a try as your new Reader!

If you try it out, come on back here and share your experience with us!