There's a Mitzvah for That.

By Challahbackgirl
So often these days, we hear, "There's an app for that," in response to some need or another. Whether it's squeezing in a last-minute mani-pedi or being able to track a friend in traffic (Israeli invention, big ups!), apps have got us covered.
I think many people often mistakenly perceive Judaism as a bunch of rituals done for ritual's sake, without taking into account how much moral territory they individually and collectively cover. Take, for instance, gratitude. Each morning, right off the bat, I thank G-d for the gift of another day. I thank Him for my tea (sooo grateful for caffeine!) and my quinoa with honey (or, um, cookies, don't judge), and then I thank Him for functioning kidneys after I use the bathroom. This, mind you, is in the first 30 minutes of my day--it keeps going.
So, you wanna add more gratitude into your day? There's a mitzvah for that.
Shabbat Shalom,