There Must Be NO Litmus Test To Be A Democrat

Posted on the 19 September 2017 by Jobsanger

I have been a Democrat for a long time now, and I'm proud of that. But there is an element in the party right now that wants to limit who can be a Democrat -- and what kind of candidate can run on the party's ticket. I think that's a big mistake.
The party has always been the "big tent" party. It encompasses progressives, liberals, moderates, and yes, even some conservatives. That makes for some lively discussions and arguments in party circles and conventions. But that is a good thing. Democrats are thinking people, and thinking people will disagree from time to time. It is through these discussions and arguments that the party develops its agenda -- hopefully one that a majority of Americans can agree with and support at the ballot box.
Like tha cartoon above, some today think there is only one way for the party to progress and win -- to agree with them. They say they won't support a Democratic candidate that doesn't agree with their views. I think that's a recipe for defeat.
I am a progressive, and I wish the public would agree with me on everything. But I am also a realist, and I know that's not going to happen. Most voters are moderates. They want progress, but they want to do it in small steps -- making sure this step works before taking another. Those, on both the left and right who want drastic change, are not going to appeal to most voters. That is just a fact of American politics. And a party that embraces extremism is going to chase away voters.
It is silly to say you can't support a Democrat who doesn't agree with you on everything. Frankly, I've never found a candidate who I agree with on everything. I supported Obama in 2008 and 2012, but there were things I disagreed with him about. I supported Clinton in 2016, but I disagreed with her about some things. There is no "perfect" candidate. But I do know this -- any Democrat on the ballot, whether liberal, moderate, or conservative is better for this country than any Republican on the ballot.
I will be voting for every Democrat on the ballot in 2018 and 2020, and I will apply no "purity test" on them. If we want to win (and I believe we must win in 2018 and 2020 for the good of this country), then we must be the big tent party -- the party that reaches out to all voters (and not just those who agree with us).
Over the years, I have argued with moderates and conservatives in the party. But I don't condemn them. That's because I know they will do as I do, and mark their ballot for Democrats (even those they don't completely agree with). Like me, they are good Democrats and the party is better for having them as members.
With Trump in the White House and Congress controlled by Republicans, it has never been more important for Democrats to stick together. Don't give up your views, but once candidates are chosen to represent the party, vote for them -- all of them.