Chinedu: Robert,
What’s being done to Whites in that country? What discrimination? The most persistent complaints are from Blacks due to the fact that after all the struggles whites continue to monopolize power, land, the financial systems and resources.
Phil, there is no active genocide against Whites in South Africa.
From the Genocide Watch website:
South Africa – Given the history of Apartheid in South Africa, there is deep-rooted polarization between whites and black in the nation. Part of the polarization in South Africa is the legacy of Apartheid and the continuing dominance in the economy of white owned businesses and farms. There is also polarization from the black population, who feel excluded from real power and jobs, even though the ANC now controls the government.
This general polarization created a fertile ground for political radicalization, which was the case with the rise of Malema, former President of the ANC Youth League who is now suspended. Genocide Watch continues to be alarmed at hate crimes committed against whites, particularly against Boer farmers, an important early warning sign that genocide could occur. Those who commit such crimes must be promptly brought to justice, and denounced by the political leaders of South Africa.
Here is the page of countries where GW is worried a genocide will occur or where one is actually occurring. There are three stages
- First Phase: Genocide Emergency – actual genocide is occurring.
- Second Phase: Genocide Warning – preparation for or potential massacres.
- Third Phase: Genocide Watch – Polarization – warning that genocide may occur in the future.
South Africa was in the third phase Genocide Watch – Polarization – Early Warning Phase of Genocide in 2013, which means that hate crimes against Whites were occurring at such a high level that there may be as genocide at some point in the future.
Yes, Genocide Watch has a page on South Africa, but so what? GW has a page on almost every country in the whole world! OK? GW is not saying that there is a genocide going on or about to occur in every country.
Further, some of the so-called genocides are just wars. Supposedly there is a “genocide” going in Syria with Assad killing the rebels who have taken up arms against him along with quite a few of their civilian supporters. That’s not really an actual genocide though because there is no ethnic group called “Syrians who hate Assad.”