There Are People Out There Who Want To Have Sex With Pennywise

Posted on the 23 September 2017 by Sumithardia

There Are People Out There Who Want To Have Sex With Pennywise

CinemaBlend claims that there are some sick tricks out there that want to have sex with Pennywise. Not the band, the demonic clown villain from horror movie smash hit It. I’ve heard of some bizarre, dangerous fetishes, but evil-clown fucking takes the entire bakery.

True, Pennywise is played by Bill Skarsgard, who is tall Nordic p.o.a. Alexander Skarsgard’s little bro. Maybe that has people all horny. But no, it’s not the possibiliity of getting with Eric Northman by doing his younger bro that has people soaking their Regal Cinema seats during viewings of It. It’s the actual evil nightmare clown that they want to get on. I blame Trump.

There are people posting their Pennywise the Fucking Dancing Clown fantasies online. Does Homeland Security have a Cyber-Gross Division?

I want to have sex with Pennywise and I never had sexual fantasies about a serial killer.

I’d have more respect for you if you wanted to do the Zodiac Killer.

Oh, and these freaks forcing me to actually kink-shame people are unafraid to go into full floppy-clown-shoes-from-hell detail. Barf. He eats children!

I want Pennywise and I to have a sexy makeout session with those big plump lips and those spooky sharp teeth of his.

No, what you want, nay NEED, is a 5150 hold on your crazy ass. He lives in a sewer!

Some even feel sorry for Pennywise and think reasoning with him might help. Sure, right after he finishes BITING OFF THAT KID’S ARM.

I wish Penny had a love interest, and I wonder how he’d react knowing that that person would die one day. I don’t know but it just gets me thinking.

Oh, sure, true love will surely soothe the savage clown with the knife teeth. What are they teaching kids in schools these days? Damn millennials.

Pic: Warner Bros.

Source: There Are People Out There Who Want To Have Sex With Pennywise

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