#TheAwakening by @SGZimmer

By Pamelascott

Following the end of a brutal war, Ragnar Stormbringer travels across the sea channel to the west with the warrior Thorsalla to visit her brother's new settlement in the fertile lands of Ulstara.

Coming upon a scene of total devastation, they find no bodies, but there are a large number of strange tracks heading in one direction and signs of a few survivors in another.

Ragnar will soon discover that some mysteries are the gateways to even greater ones.

The Awakening is a stand-alone adventure that is part of the Ragnar Stormbringer Tales.


Sleek and elegant, in both form and motion, the longship sliced through the glistening waters, heading upriver in the golden morning light.


(@7thStarPress, 17 February 2021, 134 pages, ebook, copy from the publisher via @TCMPublicity and voluntarily reviewed, #BlogTour 18 April)



I've read a few books by the author, mostly stories from the Ragnar Stormbringer series but never a full length novel. I've no idea. I really enjoyed The Awakening and plan to read the whole series at some point. If you love Viking's you'll enjoy the book and likely other books featuring Ragnar Stormbringer. The Awakening is a little different than the books I usually read and all the more enjoyable because of it. It combines historical fiction, Vikings and fantasy to create a very entertaining tale about dark magic and death. It's well-written, compelling and I enjoyed the time I spent with it.