TheAdoptionKit for the Adoption Process

By Momatlast @momatlast

“The Mom At Last Adoption kit is absolutely needed for every adoptive mom. It has all the essential needed for the adoption process. The bracelet is a great reminder daily to stop and take a second to think quietly and pray for the adoption process and the many ups and downs that can happen. I love the journal to write my personal thoughts for me to reread later and keep inspirational quotes. But my favorite item from the kit is the bear. How wonderful to be able to sleep with the bear and then send it to your child in a care package to snuggle and start to get to know their forever momma from her scent and to have a transitional object! I love this kit!” ~ Kristie Hoyt Gonzales, An Adoptive Mom


TheAdoptionKit is an International and Domestic Adoption Survival Kit to help you get through the long and difficult journey that is the Adoption Process.

Each item in the Adoption Kit will help you get through specific times of your journey and helping you finally come to the end of your journey and becoming a Mom at Last through Adoption.

TheAdoptionKit comes with 10 different items, all nestled in a beautiful I Love Adoption Tote, to help you survive your Adoption Journey.

On Sale for $29.99!

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