Alright lets get started. Like I said in the all about me section i have too much knowledge of the world and everything in it. In fact i challenge anyone to ask me any question about anything and i can guarantee to give it the best answer. Go ahead email me at
So where do i even begin, boobs! Last night after a good two weeks of trying i finally got my hands on this perfect pair of 32DD's. Life is good. Needless to say i slept like a baby afterwards, mind completely at ease a boob in each hand. Bliss. How great are boobs?!?! I mean people say the wheel was the greatest invention, but they also say that about sliced bread but sliced bread isnt actually that much of an invention. Are people honestly gonna say to me that when the first sandwich was invented it was actually two loaves of bread with a slice of cheese in the middle?!?! NO! NO! Correct me if im wrong but the greatest invention to ever be made is boobs. Its a fact it goes all the way back to Genesis. Not Phil Collins and his mates but Adam and Eve. Although Phil Collins is pretty good. Adam was created first as we all know and Eve second, so it is written. But what wasn't written was the conversation between Adam and God whilst Eve was being created. It went a little something like this:
God: Right lets make you a companion.
Adam: Cool, we should give my new companion boobs.
God: Genius idea we should most definitely give your new companion boobs.
Adam: Sweet.
So not only are boobs the greatest invention ever they were also one of the first invention to have ever been invented. The first invention would of obviously been THINKING. Makes sense. But that's not the topic of the day im getting off track. Basically i want you all to take home the message that no matter what life throws at you and no matter what gets you down if theirs one thing that can put a smile back on that face of yours its boobs. One of my favorite things about boobs also is that they are everywhere especially now the sun is out boobs are in even more places. God bless low cuts tops. Amen to that.