The Zimmerman Verdict Was Wrong - Here's Why

Posted on the 14 July 2013 by Mikeb302000

The New York Times
Manslaughter, which under Florida law is typically added as a lesser charge if either side requests it, was a lower bar. Jurors needed to decide only that Mr. Zimmerman put himself in a situation that culminated in Mr. Martin’s death. 
But because of Florida’s laws, prosecutors had to persuade jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Zimmerman did not act in self-defense. A shortage of evidence in the case made that a high hurdle, legal experts said.  

"Jurors needed to decide only that Mr. Zimmerman put himself in a situation that culminated in Mr. Martin’s death."
How could they possibly not have agreed that Zimmerman "put himself in a situation that culminated in Martin's death?"
To me this is proof that the verdict was the wrong one. It should have been not guilty of Murder 2 but guilty of manslaughter.
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