The Yellow Brick Road Led Me to an Even Bigger Adventure.

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog
So it's been a while, yet again! Not only have I moved out into a beautiful flat with my beautiful besty Kate, took the big leap into adulthood! I've finally gone out there and done something I've always wanted to achieve! I've taken the biggest risk I have ever taken and it's sure as hell the most exciting thing I've EVER done!

Are you ready?

See this shop here? IT'S MINE!!! AHHHHHH!!!! My beautiful Kate and I have gone and brought a business!!!! OH EM GEE I KNOW I KNOW HOW AWESOME!!! We're called INA CIRCLE; We stock both men's and women's Vintage pieces as well as some pretty awesome local streetwear brands.

These past few months have been an absolute whirlwind of exciting things! I'm in the best place I've ever been and I'm on top of the bloody world! I could not of achieved any of this though without the support of my family and my best friends, it's safe to say I have some of the most incredible people in the world in my life.

This time last year I was not in a good place as some of you may know and the place I'm in right now could not be any more polar opposite!

The store is in the Oasis Markets in Birmingham, the store itself has only been here since January so it's still a little baby. Expect to see some amazing achievements from us over here! I will still be blogging as usual, I haven't as of yet got the Internet in the flat but we have it in the shop so I'll be able to blog as of usual again (YESSSS!) I've also set up a little blog for INA CIRCLE as well if you want to have a nose at that ;) We're over on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so pop by and just say Hi, I'd really appreciate the support and love! I want this baby to grow into something EPIC!