The Xroadie Files

Posted on the 07 February 2024 by Ripplemusic

Mark Buchanan - Guitar, Crystal Bigelow - Vocals, Alan Light - Bass, Eric Bigelow - Drums/Vocals/Samples/ Keys

Black darkness envelops your very being. Leave Us one strange musical mind trip. Owed crushing riffs interesting vocals with thundering rhythms. The Conflict sway groove and let the music pull you into your imaginations. Yellow heavy riffs emotional vocals with dark intentions. Everybody lost in darkness and madness Nomega one catchy tune that envelops your senses. End Cycle dark madness pulls you into dementia. 325 lost in dreams and destruction. Corrupt crushing riffs thundering rhythms and soaring vocals.

Allen Whitman - Monogatari no Fūkei

Allen Whitman- Everything

Wooden Sandals in A Bamboo Forest close your eyes and drift away in your imagination. Crosswalk Crows lost in dreams and memories. Clouds dreams and emotions envelop your senses. At The Station soft melodies bring back many memories. Mr. Fuji From The Train just take one strange musical mind trip. On The Radio spoken words strumming guitars and soft vocals. Kimonos In Kyota floating on a cloud of melancholic melodies.

Cymbalic Encounters - Electricus

Mark Murdock- Drums/Synthesizers/Synth Fretless Bass, Tim Pepper- Vocals, Joe Berger- Guitar, Charles Lambiase- Fretless Bass, Dave Juteau- Guitar, Preston Murdock- Guitar, David Rambeau- Guitar

Within the Lightbulb's Glow is a very catchy tune that will have the crowd n its feet grooving. Electricus close your eyes and dream. Circuits and Codes lost in emotional memories and emotions. Electro-Static Particles floating on a strange cloud of musical imaginations. The Flying Boy Experiment just take one magical mind trip. Experiments in Static Electricity soft melodies and emotions envelop your senses. Rubber Sole is a melodic jazzy prog rock tune. The Hindenburg (The Future of Human Missions) just let your imagination flow.

AVRÆ LVNÆ - Ntdd Strl

Geist Der Natur- Guitar/Bass/Keyboards, Wampyric Strigoi- Vocals

Ntr - Cnstlcn d Rn drifting on a cloud of melancholic memories. Ntdd Strl crushing riffs pounding rhythms and demonic vocals. N l Mjstvs Nch lost in darkness death and destruction. Crpt Strl one melancholic mind trip. Ls Strlls sn ls Js Csmcs close your eyes and drift away into madness. Scndnd ls Nfns Cnfn Strl crushing riffs thundering rhythms with vocals from the mouth of hell. Ls Rgns Hnsptas dl Vnrs lost in dark dreams and emotions. Vtr - Cntlcn d Scrpn drifting in emotional memories.

SCARLATAMUSIC - Rough & Tumble

John Scarlata- Guitar/Bass/Drums/Vocals

Determination chugging riffs pounding drums thundering bass with screaming leads. Pressure Cooker fist pump head bang and tear it up. Rough And Tumble hit the pit slam sweat thrash and rip it up.
