The Xroadie Files

Posted on the 11 January 2023 by Ripplemusic

Henrik Hjelt Röstberg - Vocals/Guitar/Moog, Gabriel Unsgaard - Guitar/Vocals, Kyle Pitcher - Bass, Daniel Levin - Pedal Steel Guitar, Markkuu Mulari - Drums, Johan Winther- Guitar/Moog

You Suck is a punk rockabilly influenced tune. Birds Follow My Path sway groove and just let the melodies envelop your senses. Carefree close your eyes and dream. Darkest Hour Final Hour lost in the depths of memories and imaginations. Empty Shell just get up and rock.. Crumbling To Pieces lost in dark melancholic musical directions. No Sleep the emotions just envelop your senses. Hand in Hand will just pull you in as you sing along. In the Mud rumbling bass pounding drums with emotional vocals. Out Of Control take a trip back in time with many memories.

Wilhelm- Drums, Vaahgner- Guitar/Vocals, Matt Riley - Bass

Concussion slow doom metal with searing leads and heavy rhythms. The Final Nail lost in dark dreams of madness. Bastard Revelations fist pumping head banging chugging riffs thundering rhythms metal with gruff vocals. The Grip will have the entire crowd on its feet rocking. World Of Enemies hit the pit and mosh till you drop. Dog Bite crushing riffs pounding drums thundering bass and dark vocals. Deadweight pulls you int to the dark dementia of your mind. Antipersonnel grab you by the throat and slam you to the ground music. Death Is My Slave shredding thrashing ripping it to pieces music. Horrendous lot in the dark depths of imagination.

Scott Bartlett- Guitar, Ross Redeker- Guitar/Vocals, Jamie Stillborn- Vocals/Electronics, Bina Mendozza- Drums

Rust and Rot dark vocals grinding riffs and thundering rhythms. The Middle Distance close your eyes and be pulled into madness. Hauntology lost in the depths of nightmares. Hungry Ghosts just let the mayhem drag you away. With Dead Eyes the pits of hell open and demons devour all.

DETRAKTOR - Full Body Stomp

Boris Pavlov - Vocals/Bass, Rafael Dobbs - Guitar, Pablo Cortez - Drums

Gorilla hit the pit slam sweat and thrash till death. Bear Fight crushing riffs thundering rhythms with gruff vocals. Behave shredding ripping tearing it up metal. Evilusion (Undercroft Cover) fist pumping head banging madness. Perro screaming guitars pounding drums thumping bass with dark vocals. I'm The King slam sweat and get your aggression out with some scorching leads. Seven fist pump foot stomp and head bang. Revenge rip tear and shred. Filth Me Up mosh till you drop.

Jakub Zdzienicki, Łukasz 'Icanraz' Sarnacki , Jakub Lisicki, Krzysztof 'Virian' Sobczak

Nadejscie chugging rhythms melancholic melodies with dark imaginations. Niepewnosc lost in the depths of melancholic memories. Rozmycie drifting in nightmarish dreams. Wrota close your eyes and let your imagination take you away. Odchodzac w the pits of hell open and demons devour all. Cienie Szalerist madness envelops the earth. Oczyszczerie lost in memories and emotions.
