The Xroadie Files

Posted on the 01 December 2021 by Ripplemusic

Paulo M. Soares - All instruments/Vocals, SPECIAL GUESTS Guitar Solos - , Claudio Santos, Ricardo Pato, Mário Figueira, Paulo A. Soares, João Jacinto

Feast Of the Dying Sluts slowly pulls you into madness and destruction before hammering you into oblivion. Carnage hit the pit slam sweat and thrash till death. Rotten God slams against you like a freight train that is run away. Dead Man shredding riffs pounding drums thumping bass with gruff vocals. Buried lt the mayhem envelop your very spirit. Time To Kill grabs you by the throat and just slams you against a wall over and over. Fucked With My Knife pounding thundering death metal music. Anal Ride fats hard heavy metal dementia. Cadaver Meal strange eerie metal mind trip music. Brainless Whore take a trip to the depths of your mental madness.

Sarah Perrotta- Blue To Gold

Sarah Perrotta- Vocals/Piano/Keyboards, Bass- Tony Levin, Sara Lee, Jerry Marotta, Guitar- Marc Shulman, Gerry Leonard, Bill Dillon, Johnnie Wang, Jay Perrotta, Peter Calo, Keyboards- Pamela Sue-Mann, Daniel Weiss, Rupert Greenall, Drums- Jerry Marotta, Peter O'Brien, Vocals- Heather Masse, Natasha Althouse, Erin Stewart, Jerry Marotta, String Orchestrator- Enzo DeRosa, Violin- Megan Gugliotta

The Other Side close your eyes and let melodies just pull you into your dreams. Echo Of Joy lost in the depths of your imagination. The Wilderness drifting with some amazing vocals and soft music. Firestorm floating on a cloud of memories. Heartbeat lost in your emotions. Spectrum of Color sway groove and sing along. Blue To Gold just let them music envelop your senses. Don't You Stop just take a trip in your dreams. Circles g catchy melodies and emotional vocals.

Ronny Flissundet -Vocals/Guitars, Bjarne Ryen Berg -Drums, Ole Christian Helstad -Bass/Vocals

Idle Lights drifting in madness and despair. Turbulence slow droning mental mayhem. Murdress crushing riffs thundering rhythms with death metal vocals. Ravines pulls you into dark nightmares of imagination. Currents pounding drums crunchy riffs and thundering bass with gruff vocals. Infernal Trails slithers towards you with thoughts of madness. Ferret pounding bass thundering drums crunchy riffs and eerie vocals. Heroin fist pump head bang and mosh. Unveering Static lost in the depths of dark dreams.

Rachel Flowers- Bigger On the Inside

Rachel Flowers- Piano/Organ/Flute/Guitar/Bass/Saxophone/Chapman Stick/Vocals

A B catchy riffs solid rhythms g searing leads that just envelop your senses. Take Me Away close your eyes and drift in your dreams. Too Much lost in the depths of imaginations and memories. Love Today leads that just send shivers down your spine with catchy rhythms and great vocals. This Is The Way I Am takes you away on a magical musical journey. The Darkness close your eyes and drift away. Feel a musical trip back in your dreams and memories with a jazzy feel. Beautiful Dream lost in thoughts dreams and emotions. With You taking a trip with your love one I your dreams.

Sacred Soul Of North Carolina- St

Dedicated Men Of Zion, Marvin Earl Blind Butch Cox, Little Willie And The Fantastic Spiritualaires, Faith & Harmony, Bishop Albert Harrison And The Gospel Tones, The Johnsonaires, Johnny Ray Daniels, Big Walt And The Faithful Jordonaires, Big James Barret And The Golden Jubilees, Melody Harper, The Glorifying Vines Sisters

Cant Turn Me Around slow bluesy emotional music that just envelops your soul. Its A Shame clap your hands tap your feet and just groove along. Tell It All To Jesus soulful gospel music. Somewhere To Lay My Head is a very catchy bluesy tune that just pulls you in. Glory Glory close your eyes and just drift along. Tell It take a trip back n time to the deep south and some be very emotional music. Use Me Lord bluesy soul music. Ask God In Faith just let the emotions flow. Victory lost in the time and place of old school church music. We Will Work floating on a cloud of soulful memories. Hes Coming Again vocals that just take you away. Trying To Make It drifting with some jazzy blues music. Shake Me stand clap sing and shout. Stand Up just let the soulful vocals pull you in. I Wanna Be Ready a catchy tune that makes you get up and dance. Have You Tried Jesus clapping singing and chanting. No Ways Tired some jazzy bluesy soulful music that envelops your spirit. Amazing Grace a classic gospel tune full of emotions.
