The Xroadie Files

Posted on the 03 June 2020 by Ripplemusic

Krv-Self Titled Nicolas Zivkovich – Vocals/Guitar/Bass, Louis Lambert – Guitars/Bass/Drums/Electronics
Motherless Abyss dark heavy dementia laced death metal mayhem. Forlorn the pits of hell open and just envelop your very soul. Flamme Noire just try and survive the mental madness. Hécatombe dark mental music that pulls you into the farthest reaches of your mind. Open Your Temple Unto Him just try and let the darkness go as it surrounds you. Transcendence Through Death madness death and destruction of your soul. Autarcie Spirituelle the earth splits ans just let the hoards of hell out.

Hair Of The Dog – It's Just A Ride Adam Holt – Vocals/Guitar, Iain Thomson – Bass, Jonathan Holt - Drums
It’s Just A Ride spoken words then a crunchy guitars pounding drum thumping bass song just envelops you. Run And Hide sway sing and just let the groove envelop you with some great musicianship and powerful vocals.. She Was soulful powerful vocals bluesy hard riffs thumping bass and pounding drums. We The Cancer close your eyes and drift along to some 70s influences d psychedelic hard rock n roll. Will They Forgive Us catchy riffs steady rhythms and soulful vocals that just pull you in. The Writing On The Wall will have the entire crowd singing and grooving as the music envelops there senses.

Wasteland Coven – Ruined Susan Mitchel -Vocals/Bass, Bill Anderson -Guitar, Brandon Collins -Guitar, Jason Wilcox -Drums
Midsummer Days slow plodding eerie stoner metal madness with searing leads. Great Colossus just let the music slide slither and envelop your senses. Endless Night just close your eyes and drift thru your imagination of dark dreams.

Raider – Guardian Of The Fire Angelo Bonaccorso- Vocals, Gabe Rosa- Guitar, Ira Lehtovaara – Guitar, Brandon Sanders – Bass, Kevin Withers – Drums
Bound By No Fate fast heavy thrashing metal madness with growling vocals. No Sign Of The Dawn crunchy riffs thundering rhythms and dark vocals with searing leads. Endless Vengeance hit the pit thrash mosh and just annihilate each other. Guardian Of The Fire shredding guitars thundering bass pounding drums scorching leads and growling vocals. Infernal Justice take a trip back to the late 80s when death thrash was king and just head bang away. Ravenous Hydra chugging riffs head banging rhythms fast hard heavy mayhem. Offering Of Souls mosh till your drop. Destroyer thrashing shredding ripping metal music.

Electric Feat – Self Titled Dionysis Nanos- Guitar, Themos Ragousis- Bass, Georgios Dimakis -Vocals/Percussion, Kostas Stergiou - Drums/Percussion
It's Alright (With You) thundering bass crunchy riffs sing along vocals a very catchy tune. Lizard Queen take a trip back to the psychedelic late 60s and just trip along. Song Of Disobedience just close your eyes and drift through your imagination with a very psychedelic tune. The Caveman on your feet dance clap and sing. Leather Jacket low bass just rumbles thru your very being with a Sabbath influenced riff and great vocals. Subatomic Plane crunchy riffs pounding rhythms and melodic vocals. Blackwood Secrecy just let the heavy psychedelic music just envelop your very soul with some searing leads. Son Of Evil old school stoner hard rock that just slithers into your senses. Fogdancing just takes you into strange places in your mind. Bring Something From The Night a great trip back in time to when psychedelia was king just drift in your minds eye.
