The Worst Foods That I Ate BEFORE Going Paleo

By Grayson Hayes @cavemandietblog

Now is the time to confess. Before I started Caveman Diet Blog I considered myself as healthy and felt disgusted by what I used to eat when I was obese and thankful that I changed my old ways.

After all, there was once upon a time when I would eat pretty much nothing healthy and had a BMI of nearly 35. I can now sit and watch these diet programmes on the telly and be astonished by what people eat, rather than one of the ones eating it.

I remember when I was 18 I was skinny and could get away with eating unhealthy because I was young and never sit still. But the same cant be said for my 30’s. So I did something about it.

I then lost just over four stone and thought I was the healthiest person ever. After all I no longer had pizza every night, I had quit smoking, I only ate at McDonalds once every couple of months and ate a decent amount of vegetables.

Then after recording the video below I realized that we were no way as healthy as we thought we was:

Actually after you’ve watched the video don’t be sick from the size of my bottom as I can assure you I have lost 17 pounds since this video was done.

But after creating Caveman Diet Blog and exploring my cupboards I realized I could do better and this was when my Paleo life began.

Thinking back though to my weeks before Paleo (so from the first six months of 2015) I was still eating some foods that were an absolute disaster for my body.

They included:

Cheap hot dogs – Now this has to be one of the worst ever things you can have in your diet and we were regularly eating it. We would have them in white cheap hotdog buns with loads of fried onions and then they would be topped with either ketchup or mustard. It is really disgusting when I look back at them now!

But when I look back to my childhood and on schooldays I would come home from school to a different can each day. The same low quality cans that I was having once a week and considering it to be bad; I was having all the time. You know the kind of culprits’ meat or pasta in a can in a high sugar tomato sauce.

Too much cheese and butter – Now this is a habit that right now I finally have under control for the first time in my life. I have always loved my cheese and not necessarily the healthier options. My cheese of choice would be a huge block of cheap cheddar courtesy of my local business cash and carry. These portions were meant for restaurants yet we could get through a huge block in three weeks. Then we also got through 2 kilos of butter a month too.

I have noticed this has been the best change to both Dominic & I and you forget just how bad they are for you. I am not saying I am never going to have it again, but it will be in much smaller quantities.

Sauces – I don’t use jars of sauces everyday, yet at the same time you don’t think they are that bad for you and you often give them a go because they look healthy. You are using a jar of sauce with your fresh chicken breast and serving it with vegetables, so it surely must be healthy.

Think again these sauces are full of sugar and all sorts of words that you can’t understand and need to be ditched. We have a huge backlog of them so we are using them up occasionally with the plan never to buy them again.