the Working and the out

By Nookandsea @KristinaMGulino

Exercising blows, let’s face it. All those motivating Pinterest posters and Jillian Michaels mantras make me want to barf. Maybe if I pray hard enough, God will give me the desire to sweat and I’ll find myself grossed out whenever I come anywhere near a couch or a cheeseburger. But I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.

Truth is, you’d think that after having thyroid cancer 4 years ago that I’d snap right into place and become a total health hippie; eating vegan food and swearing off perfumes while dry brushing and carefully balancing my chi. It never happened.

But in all actuality, I do recognize the need to be more health conscious.

A couple weeks ago I went to my general physician about some noticeable circulation issues in my legs. It’s been bothering me for quite awhile now – spurred on by years of sedentary office jobs – and she told me my solution was simple: exercise more.

A bit tiffed that I had just paid someone $30 to tell me I need to “exercise more”, I left feeling uber lazy. Why was it so hard for me to want to be healthy? Was I that much of a lump?

I suppose I’m stuck in my ways – the typical American who likes to spend money on food, company and contentment. I don’t want to have to count my calories while out with friends or ask for sauce on the side. And I especially don’t want to work out.

But lately I’ve been rather encouraged. The sun’s finally out, the weather warm, and with my gym bag already in the car, I leave myself no option. Right after work I drive past my house to the beach and walk - leaving little room for distraction. No blogging to-do’s, no couch to get buried into, no reason to have an excuse. Just me, my thoughts and the ocean.

And on evenings where the hubby and I can walk together, we take to the trail that leads down to the sand (and may I say how much better walks are outside instead of on treadmills the gym)? We have time to catch up on our day, laugh together and get away from the TV and computers. If this is working out – I’ll take it!

Do you exercise regularly? What do you like to do that is considered “working out”? How do you keep yourself motivated?

Have a wonderful weekend!