The Work-out: The #bikinibattle Challenge

By Amy @amzzz1984


Well I'm half-way through April and I have to say, it's not going as well as I though it would go. Usually I'm really dedicated when I have rules to live by, but now not so much. Yeah I do run, I run twice a week. I do at the very least one work-out a week, but I compensate the other work-out by walking on my lunchbreak every day (yeah, at least 30 min. of walking every day). So that's all good. But it's the candy. The candy.  I didn't realize how much crap I eat a day! Yeah, my breakfast and lunch are super healthy, but then when the clock marks 4PM... and a colleague ask you if you want some winegums... Or last week when I bought chocolate because I just needed chocolate. And in the evening: watching Game of Thrones with my man, drinking a cup of tea, and eating a big iced cookie (for the Dutchies: Roze koeken!!). Yes, I defiantly need more focus in the food department. 
We already established that the frequency of my work-outs and runs are okay. But there is another challenge! I didn't just join this challenge to wear a bikini this summer. Since I haven't booked a holiday, I'm not too concerned about my bikini-body at the moment. So there is another reason: my personal challenge. Just after the end of this month, on the 5th of May to be exact, I'm competing in the 13k of "rondje Tilburg" (for the non-Dutch: The Round of Tilburg, which is my home town). When I entered this competition I could hardly run 3k. In two weeks time I have to run 13k. Last Sunday I finally hit the 13k mark. I did take a little break after 5k, cause I really needed to use the bathroom and drink a glass of water. But after 15min break I was back on track. I added another 0.5k to compensate though.... not sure if that had any effect, but I like to punish myself in that way (yeah, I'm weird!).  So the plan for this week is to run the full 13k in one go; not sure WHEN I'm going to do that. With my B-day weekend starting on Friday, and lasting all the way up to Sunday evening, I don't know how I'm going to plan that. Since I'm working the whole week, and making arrangements for two party's. Oh well, guessing there are bigger problems in the world. ;)  So follow me on instagram (@amysfashionscrapbook) to see how my challenge is going. I can tell you one thing: I'm sure I'll be having candy (& beer!) during the week this week. 'Cause what's a party without cake? It's just a frikin' meeting!