gardening? Yeah, every few years or so, I'll get this gardening kick going. I had an allotment on several occassions, never quite near enough to where I live. This year, I'm growing veggies in buckets and baskets. Potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, onions etc. I needed some extra soil... I had this little bucket of potatoes that were coming through real nice, and I realised, "I'm gonna need a bigger bucket." So, I found one, outside a neighbour's house, and brought it back, with the permission of the neighbor. Repotted the potatoes inside the bigger bucket. Then I needed some extra soil, and there' no soil near me. So, on a walk out with the wife, we come across some fresh mole hills. And I had a carrier bag with me. And it was the softest, lightest, most gorgeous soil I've ever seen. God bless the sifting efforts of those little black furry creatures. Many thanks.