The Wisdom Of Albert - Part 1

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
* The Old Testament includes the Book Of Ecclesiastes
* The Jewish and Orthodox Old Testaments include the Wisdom Of Solomon and the Wisdom Of Sirach.
This post includes the Wisdom of Albert.  Although I am not qualified to speak with the same authority as the other authors, I still have also discovered some knowledge from living over the years.  This observation is worth sharing, for learning purposes and to bring awareness.
Like King Solomon in the Book Of Ecclesiastes I have witnessed things in life that I consider folly.  It is a cycle of behavior that has been witnessed over and over for many years.  The cycle is common, yet destructive.
This cycle seems to repeats itself if it is noticed or not.  Once it begins it is hard to end with human thinking and reasoning.  It also seemed programmed into humans to get back and those who get to us.
The Destructive Cycle

It goes something like this:
People make bad choices in their life - they become frustrated - they take it out on people around them - those around them then get back at them - those involved blame other people for what is wrong.
Destructive, to say the least.
The part that is bothersome is that it starts with a bad choice.  Most of us are probably guilty of this behavior at some point, whether we admit or not.  Bad choices, like sin, have consequences.
Bad choices can be changed.  Going back to the Greek word telios the choices lack "maturity."
Does the Bible address this point?  It sure does.  The Gospel Of Matthew give some instruction:
"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."    - Gospel Of Matthew 5:48
When we read passages like this it is important to remember these are translations.  The Old Testament is translated from Hebrew and the New Testament is translated from Greek. 
The Greek word "telios" means something like to be "complete in its parts."  This does not imply something that can't be improved as what English refers to as "perfection."  Rather, telios can also be translated as "mature."  There is no English word to fully translate.  Mature can also be translated itself, into something like "Be all you can be."
Maturity involves some responsibility, as opposed to blaming others for bad choices.  The example above tends to lead to being less productive all around.
The phrase "Be all you can be" sounds similar to the theme of the Army.  How would a Drill Instructor respond if you just blamed other people for your behavior?
How Does This Awareness Help Your Daily Life?  In life it often seems like someone has a grudge against us.  This post brings awareness that these negative actions might be in response to something we did.  
It can also help you to think about what caused your frustration.  If it's something you can do better the next time they try to think of it as a learning experience.  If it's not something you can do better then taking that out on those around you doesn't resolve much.
While it's true that God's plan will actualize for your life, following these guidelines can add happiness to your daily life.  God gives humans free will, and those choices have an affect.
Of course it is easier to say this than it is to do it.  However, you can't help something wrong until you are aware something is wrong.
Signed:  The wisdom of Albert
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