The Wild West Show Comes To Wales...

By Americymru @americymru
When sharp-shooting Annie Oakley and the legendary Buffalo Bill Cody visited Wales at the beginning of the last century, the crowds just couldn’t get enough of them. Pont Books author, Phil Carradice, has always been fascinated by their story and was inspired to write an account of their visit through the eyes of a young street boy. The Wild West Show follows the adventures of a young boy called Sam who finds himself embroiled in a dangerous situation when he witnesses a coldblooded murder…
When Buffalo Bill bursts into town with his band of Indian braves and sharp-shooting cowboys, crowds throng the streets of Cardiff. They all want a glimpse of the world-famous Wild West show. Amongst them, enjoying the color and excitement, is young Sam Thomas. But it isn't long before he's in danger. Without a home or family to turn to, who can Sam trust and where will he find a place to hide?

This adventure story is sure to keep the readers engaged with its many twists and turns and Sam’s survival is uncertain until the very end of the novel. The book also includes a section entitled For the Historical Record for those interested in learning a little more about the history that inspired the author to write The Wild West Show.
Phil Carradice is a freelance writer, consultant and broadcaster. He regularly holds creative writing workshops in schools and colleges. A former teacher and headteacher, he hails from Pembroke Dock, but now lives in the Vale of Glamorgan. Phil has a strong interest in history and writes a regular blog for the BBC Wales website –  Phil Carradice on BBC Wales

The Wild West Show is available from all good bookshops and online retailers.
For more information, please visit