Last Updated on 9 January, 2022
Wellcome to our The White Door Walkthrough, Guide Tips & Tricks. Where we will show you how to solve every puzzle in the game, by Rusty Lake
The White Door Walkthrough – Day 1
We provide you a video with The White Door Day 1 walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- Drag your blanket down
- Check the schedule (Taks order, name and also date)
- Breakfast: Go to the table, Drag down (drink juice & also coffee), Tap the Donut and examine the sugar packet
- Bathroom: Flush the toilet, use the toothbrush (left-right) and also use the towel
- Dresser: open the bottom drawer (employee id)
- Window: Drag the blinds up, also tap on the bird
- Checkup: Press the red button
- Answers: Name > Robert, Year > 1972, Date > 14
- Computer (choose Maybe & start) answers: Donut, Box, plant, Frame, Speaker, Coin & also Bird
- Dinner: Eat spaguetti & Meatbals, drink soda & take the pill
- At 20:00 go to the box near your dresser and do 10 shoulder presses
- Bed: Pull the cover up
- Dream 1: Tap on the cafe > drag t the right
- Tap on all the curtains (first upper left corner)
- Table: Turn the coffe, spoon and sugar to the same direction, then lift the coffe and tap on the donut
- Watch: Turn the hands
- Woman: Tap on her & pull her chair in closer, move her eyes to the right and have ahother drink
- Pull his hand up > Another sip
The White Door Walkthrough – Day 2
We provide you a video with The White Door Day 2 walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- Pull don the blanket, Eat breakfast, use the toilet (also brush your teeth ans wash your face) open the window and tap on the bird
- Tap on the silhouette > Tap on him
- Checkup: Red button > Answer (age) = 41 > Answer (cafe) = Owl Nest > Answer (Work) = Johnsson > Dinner = your choice
- Memory training: choose the different one with the arrows
- Eat the dinner and also the pill
- Recreational box: Paddle & ball left and right 10 times
- Bed > Pull the blanket up
- Dream 2 > Lower the music (dial) > Give her a coin & tap the red light
- Drive > Find a billboard with number 3982 > use this number in the bird food factory > Left > Tap on Harvey
- Drive > Follow the arrows to the parking spot > Pull the smoke up (chimbey) > walk t the door > enter the code (3461) and get inside > talk to your boss (right) & push his tie up
- Station 1 > Potatoes (top), Bird seed (middle) and corn (bottom) > Throw it in one of the openings
- Station 2 >Pull down the correct tubes to shoot seeds into
- Station3: Don’t push the button > pull down your boos helmet
- Your locker > Open it, put everything there and carry the box to the exit
The White Door Walkthrough – Day 3
We provide you a video with The White Door Day 3 walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- Pull don the blanket, Eat breakfast (tap the mouse and follow it)), use the toilet (tap the mouse, also brush your teeth ans wash your face)
- Computer > Tap the mouse
- Safe > Tap the mouse
- Breakfast > Tap the mouse
- Examine the new plant > Tap on the caterpillar > computer, table plant > tap the moth
- Recreational box: check the photos in the envelope
- Shake the bird seed packet
- Examine the tape recorder > place the battery in the right slot > rotate the pieces to make them white and press the 3rd button (code 827)
- Check the map to find 2 locations (factory & owl nest)
- Checkup: Red button > Answer (bird’s food) = canary grass > Answer (work) = 30 Lake st > Answer (owl nest) = 16 park rd > Answer (code) = 827
- Memory training: move the shape to the right spot > Window
- Eat the dinner and also the pill
- Recreational box: Dominos puzzle
- Bed > Pull the blanket up
- Outside the building > First hold a car with a sign on in place > tap on the window and go inside
- TV > Drag the scene to the right > Tap on it until you wake up in the hospital
- Tap on every doctor > pull the blanket
- TV > tap on it until it shuts off > tap on yourself (tears) > Answer the buzzer > Open the door, take the plant and touch the leaves
- Take the survey and finally take the card
The White Door Walkthrough – Day 4
We provide you a video with The White Door Day 4 walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- Pull don the blanket, Eat breakfast (tap the mouse and follow it)), use the toilet (tap the mouse, also brush your teeth ans wash your face)
- Examine the plant > “T”
- Dresser drawer > Read
- Box from work > Symbol
- Open the window
- Checkup: Red button > Answer (client number) = H1931RL > Answer (laura die) = 12 > Answer (Stay here) = No
- Memory training: Cicle shapes until you find the rightone > Donut, Box, Plant, Picture frame and also Bird
- Eat the dinner (bloody Mary) and also the pill
- Recreational box: Follow the instructions > Flush the toilet 4 times, remove the tank cover, pull the lttle handle inside
- Doctor > Talk to him > Rotate the screws of the big red button > Open it and turn all the dials up
- Blueprints: Find the items (FATE) > Reboot the computer and use the password FATE > Read the 2 files
- Find the ID Card (Doctor), name = J. Grant and access code = Lock
- PC ( name = J. Grant & also access code = Lock) > read the 3 files
- PC( name = C. Adams & also access code = Hope) > read the sorry file
- PC ( name = H. Lee & also access code = Lake) > read the 3 files
- Mysterious cabinet > use the four symbols > Open the doors and solve the pipes and cables puzzles
TV > Change channels until the alarm goes off - Talk to J. Grant, count to 3 and tap on yourself
- Dream 4 > Drag the screen until you are seated at the bar, tap on yourself and lift your hand up > ull out your wallet > before giving the money tap on the coaster several times, then tap on the man and give him some matches, 5 bill and 2 coins
- Take the blody Mary, pull the drink up, take out and unfold the photo, pull your drink back and give him 10 bill, 5 bill, 2 coin and 1 coin > take the gun and slide the curtains open > Pull the microphone and tap the music notes > finally pull the trigger
The White Door Walkthrough – Day 5
We provide you a video with The White Door Day 5 walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- Pull don the blanket & examine the door (YOUR)
- Slide the window open and tap on the doctor until he talks
- Wall Safe, Code = YOUR > tap the pink drink to spill it
- Walk to the pink stain (bubbles) and pop them in order
- Find the clue = Dark
- Wall Safe > Dark > tap all the parts in the order shown on the speaker > move the notes until you see the word “Face”
- Wall Safe > Face > Rotate the disco ball until the lights match up
- Piece togheter (picture frame) and find the word Soul
- Open the window to find the word Cube
- Wall Safe > Cube > drag the cube to the soul’s eyes
- Wall Safe > Soul > open the captuse and tap the silhouette
- Tap on the Silhouette (Face your dark soul) > tap the corresponding symbols
- Pull his hand up & match tour hand to the shadow, then tuck the shadow into bed
- The bullet will turn into a car > Tap on the police car to the club > tap on the policeman and also the deer man when you see them
- Club > Talk to the bouncer & lift his eyes up > go through the door > Find the DJ and tap on him to put the record into the player, move the needle and spin the record
- Move the deer man and talk to him > Move your hand up and push your finger to through the bullet hole until you turn into the shadow
- Tap on the woman’s eyes and turn her head upside down
- Tap the flowers and drag the moths to her eyes, also push her up off the top of the screen
The White Door Walkthrough – Day 6
We provide you a video with The White Door Day 6 walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- Breakfast
- toilet: Flush, rotate your relflection to fix it
- Checkup: Red button, choose egg as dinner, crack the egg and tap on the bird, also open the window and tap on the bird
- Memory training: Computer test > Table: Tap black stuff (glass)
- Computer: Open the cardboard box > use the left flap and tap on him
- Computer: check the plant, tap the leaf bunches (1 to 5) and tap on him
- Again to the computer: Picture flame, tap and hold
- Computer: Speaker > press the bigger circle, then the middle one and finally the bigger gain
- Computer: Dresser > document in the 2nd drawer > open the bottom drawer, open the new box and pick it up to make the coin squashes the soul
- Press Enter (computer)
- Eat your dinner and the pill
- Recreational box: tap on the replica, then on the table (several times) > tap on the soul
- Symbols: Tap on the object (replica) and Stereo, Computer Desk, Toilet, Bed, Dresser and also Toilet > put the soul to bed
- Tuck into bed > tap the crow when you see it (3 locations) > open the door with a star
- Tap on yourself, drag the 3 clouds to the right, pull the shadow down
- Move the stick 3 times, two the coin to drop it and also move bob’s hand
- Phone Both, insert the coin, pick the receiver, dial 132, lift the phone up
- Get into the car, move the mirror so you can see yourself and the driver > Stop at the White Door sign > Get out and examine the sign > Drag the screen and also see the man top of the staris > Sit down at the table, sign the consent form and check the box > Drag the 7 itms to the right > Turn on each light and talk to Sarah
Day 7
We provide you a video with The White Door Day 7 walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- Turn the handle and open the door
- Go to the dinner cart, red items to the left and green to the right, eat everything
- Press the red button, open the window, eat the breakfast
- Memory training: Computer > fill spaces with color
- Toilet: Flush and also clean the mirror
- Recreational bird: Color the bird as you saw it by the window
- Dresser, bottom drawer, color the id photo
- Window, tap on the bird, also tap the shadow twice and match his hand
- Tuck into bed, start walking > Tap on the 3 thress > also tap on harvey, the parrot
- Tap on the woman on the bench and hold
- Tap on the bird twice
- Pull her hand down, pull her eyes down, also pull her hand away and close the book
- Close her eyes
Sarah Day
We provide you a video with The White Door Sarah walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- Turn the handle (door)
- Breakfast (glass symbol) / your id card = Name S. White, password Free
- Computer (Name S. White, password Free) > read all entries
- Safe: Unlock it with the 4 symbols
- Pipes puzzle: Tap on it
- TV: Turn it on, watch everything and the 7 channels
- Find all of them: Breakfast, Box from Jonhsson’s, Plant, Picture Frame, Speaker, Bottom drawer coin (dresser), Window (tap on the bird)
- Enter all the symbols in the combination lock
- Turn on the TV: 1- Erase the woman (finger), 2-Scribble over the woman (pencil), 3-Press each section, 4-Split the photo and put each piece in the right spot, 5-cover all the buttlerflies with the beams, 6-Robert’s items to the right and woman’s items to the left, 7-white outlines to the woman
- Machine > Tap on the yellow box
- Corrupted soul to the bed > go through the white door
The Basement
We provide you a video with The White Door Basement walkthrough, but bellow the video you will also find our step by step guide:
- First watch this video (Rusty Lake youtube channel), at the end reverse the black cube to get the number 7281003
- Interview with Dr Horn: copy the empty space after “Personally, I am a great art lover. I often visit museums and galleries, I have a particular interest in Van Gogh’s work:” It says “Bedroom in Aries”, aldo note that Dr Hoorn’s daughter name is Kirsten Hoorn, check her instagram account
- Check the About Us page > Answer to the first question is Box 1
- Check the Contact page and open the photo in a new window > Answer to the 2nd question is 1st Box
- About Us page > Open Dr J Gonzalez photo in a new window > Answer to the 3rd question is Box 5
- Research Tab > the blue and the red line cross at 3 > Answer to 4th question is 3
- Research Tab >Open the first photo in a new window > Answer to 5th question is 4th Box
- 3rd photo of the Research Tab > says ablack cube in braille > Answer to 6th question is A Black Cube
- 4th photo of the Research Tab > Number of each bar: 5, 14, 12, 9, 7, 8, 20, 5, 14, 13, 5, 14, 20 > Answer to 7th question is the letter in the alphabet that corresponds to each number: Enlightenment
- Services Tab > View page source (html) > to decode it use for example the 7th word of Existential > Answer 8th: A cabit at a lake
- Testimonials Tab > Ursule Lasnick testimonial > Take the first letter of each sentence > Answer 9th = My Corrupted Soul
- Homepage > Sentence “The past is never dead” > Answer 10 = Never Dead
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