The Weekly Wrap Up-Rock CF Half Marathon Training Week 3

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Happy Monday and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!  Who is working today? Who is home? I am working but not complaining, I’ve been getting a ton knocked off my to do list!!  So, I just finished week 3 of my Rock CF half marathon training, so let’s see how it went with the Weekly Wrap Up!

Week of 1/11-1/17

Monday: It was  another really cold and windy Monday morning run.  I can deal with the cold relatively well (lots of warm clothing) but the wind cuts me to the bone and makes it really hard for me to breath. Am I alone on this??  Anyways, this run was a complete struggle from the get go.  I had to stop 5-6 times to stretch my calves because they were as hard as a rock and every step was a challenge, but I got it done.

Tuesday: My body was pretty sore but I pushed through and did my full body strength training circuit workout but didn’t do as many leg exercises as usual to give my lower half a little break.  Afterwards I foam rolled. Nothing exciting about this workout.

Wednesday: Speedwork–4 total miles.  3 miles of 1/4 mile repeats at 7:30 pace and then a half mile warm up and cool down. I forgot how hard speed work is in the beginning. I know it will get easier over time as I get stronger, but man, I was sucking wind, which kind of boggles my mind since I have recently run my 5ks at a faster pace than 7:30 and it didn’t hurt that bad.

Thursday: Strength training again. I did a full body circuit including legs and felt pretty good, but I need to write down a more focused plan for my strength training days and may even pull out some strength videos and write down the moves.  I am feeling a bit stale in this area right now. Afterwards I did some much needed foam rolling.

Friday: I was thankful to only have 2 easy miles on the books and it was the perfect opportunity to test out my new Altra shoes (more on that in a later post).  I ran in the Altras for the first mile and then switched them out for my Ghosts.  They didn’t feel crazy but my left calf was really tight, but honestly, I can’t tell if that is because of the shoe (which is common when transitioning to a zero drop) or just because my calves suck, so we will see.  Afterwards, I did some light yoga, stretching and some foam rolling.

Saturday: On Saturday we woke up around 8:30, had some breakfast and were trying to decide what to do since it was POURING outside. Initially, we thought we would go to the local library that has an awesome play space in it, but Ashton asked that we head to the Ecotarium, so that is where we went.  He had a blast trying to direct the wind to make the pinwheels move…

And then watch as electricity and magnets worked to move rings from one side to another…

But what took the cake was meeting a Storm Trooper.  I will admit, I had no idea what a Storm Trooper was, but Ashton saw them down on the second floor and asked to go see them.  We headed down and of course, there were kids EVERYWHERE.  When it was his turn, he walked right up (a little cautiously,) said hi, told the Storm Trooper his name, grabbed his hand and smiled at him and then me.  This kid melts my heart.

When we left, we stopped for a quick lunch and then got home and put Ashton down for a nap.  Once he was down, I got changed so I could get my long run in.  It was only 6 miles this week. I noticed as I was typing, I put only in front of 6 miles…why? I mean, 6 miles is a long distance, but for some reason, I think my mindset changes when I am training for a longer race and 6 just doesn’t feel as long as it should? Do you know what I mean? I don’t know…I’m rambling now. Anyways, I did 6 miles while watching a new to me show called The Affair on Showtime. I only watched the first episode and not sure I am sold on it yet, but I will watch one more to see if I get into it more. It did help the time go by fast though.

Sunday: I love Sundays, they are not only rest days, but we do our usual morning grocery shopping, laundry, food prep, game playing, book reading and a lot of just great quality time together. Saturdays are usually busier, more hectic, so I really love the quiet of our Sunday’s as a family.

So, there you have it my friends, the Weekly Wrap Up!  Overall, it was a good week of training and I can’t believe I just kicked off week 4 of this training cycle.  What is the saying, long days, short weeks? Anyways, have a great Monday–I’ll see you later this week!


Question of the day

How is your Winter running going? What are your favorite shows right now?