The Weekend

By Sue15cat

This weekend saw us doing something we don't normally do here ..... praying for rain!!
Lovely Hubby has been working for the last couple of weeks bringing soil over from our giant soil piles in the paddock and levelling the ground at the back of the house.  It's been a mammoth task even with the use of his little tractor.  Finally this weekend saw things contoured enough for us both to set to with rakes and then fertiliser and grass seed.

Those of you that have been reading the blog for a while will notice that there is something missing from this area ..... the flower bed that we installed by the hedge the Summer after we moved in has now gone, meaning that mowing of the grass will be a quicker and simpler affair in future ... and when you have as much grass as we have this needs to be the case.
We sheltered once from a heavy downpour just after we started and then worked for a couple of hours until all the fertiliser and seed was down, then it started really raining.  Smiling we went in, got dried off and cleaned up and then had lunch .... there was no need to get the hosepipe out as we had been planning.

In the post on Saturday was our second FIT (Feed in Tariff) payment .... it's so much nicer to be paid by British Gas than us paying them  :-)
A reader asked if the solar panels only work when it's sunny .... thankfully as we live in rainy North Wales it is powered by daylight rather than sunshine ... phew!!  And as it is almost the longest day it's working very efficiently at the moment.
Sue xx