The Wedding Photos

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Thanks for all your lovely wedding wishes, here are a few photos from the day!  The ceremony was held at the Melbourne Registry Office which is in the Old Treasury Building (a beautiful old sandstone building).

My dress was made by brilliant dressmaker Alfia who took the fabric that I’d bought some time earlier (and not sure what to make with it, but I loved it so much I  had to buy it when I saw it) and manged to turn 2 meters into this fabulous gown.

With the kids!

Niamh was so excited to be my flower girl.

It was a super hot day (around 40C) which required changing out of suits!

Here I am with some of my wonderful image consultant friends (former students Maria and Anne, plus Clare my training business partner) and also my brilliant dress designer Alfia Galimova.
We had the wedding reception at home and it was catered by Tabatha Brown of Rockabilly Kitchen who produced a huge and very yummy spread (and her brownies have won prizes at the Melbourne Show, they disappeared in a flash).