The Wedding Pact 2: The Baby Pact (2022) Movie Review

By Newguy

The Wedding Pact 2 The Baby Pact – Movie Review

Director: Matt Berman

Writer: Matt Berman (Screenplay)


  • Haylie Duff (Napoleon Dynamite)
  • Scott Michael Campbell (Brokeback Mountain)
  • Gail O’Grady (Criminal Minds)
  • Connor Trinneer (American Made)
  • Heather Maccomb (Prison Break)

Plot: A major event happens in Elizabeth’s life that causes her to leave Boston.

Runtime: 1 Hour 40 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: The Wedding Pact 2 The Baby Pact starts as Elizabeth (Duff) returns home with her sister Rachel (McComb) in the aftermath of her husband’s death. Elizabeth is expecting their first child and promised not to do this alone, being around family.

It doesn’t take Elizabeth long to start rebuilding her life, getting a job as a florist with an old school friend Joe Jr (Aaron). Elizabeth’s new life could come crashing down when her mother-in-law wants full custody of her grandchild.

Verdict on The Wedding Pact 2 The Baby Pact


Elizabeth Becker is a widowed pregnant woman who needs to rebuild her life. She surrounds herself with family returning to her hometown. Everything seems to be going smooth for her until she gets caught in the middle of a court case for custody of her unborn child. She is put through unnecessary stress at a time for calm.

Rachel is Elizabeth’s sister that supports her in her time of need. Being there when nobody else is left for her. Joe Jr offers Elizabeth a job, to help her get back on her feet.

Kevin Pyle and Robin Pyle are rival siblings’ lawyers who are on both sides of the case. In what is sibling rivalry that gets experienced in court at times. Jennifer Becker is Elizabeth’s mother-in-law that is fighting for full custody of her grandchild, believing Elizabeth is an unfit mother.


Haylie Duff is great in the leading role, as we see her trying her best to remain positive in a time of great pain. She is the heart and soul of the movie, and through everything, we support her character.

In the supporting cast, we get strong performances, even if not everybody gets as much screen time. Heather McComb gets the laughs, Gail O’Grady and Chase Masterson make you hate their characters. While Quintin Aaron and Connor Trinneer bring us nice supporting characters.


The story follows a pregnant widow who is starting to rebuild her life, only to find herself facing a new challenge, a legal challenge for custody of her unborn child.

This is a sequel to ‘The Wedding Pact’ which sees the husband dying between movies. The idea of replacing a character off-camera is unusual and works for this story because it builds an interesting idea of a woman needing to figure out her life after his passing. When it comes to the court case, this is a massive question mark, because I find it hard to believe it got this far.

The story is told in a much lighter tone than it could have been. Where it balances reunions with old friends who have lived different lives and the serious side of the court case.


The Wedding Pact 2 The Baby Pact is a comedy-drama that keeps the mood of the film light but never moves into the romantic comedy side of things, which the original film was. It sees the main character Elizabeth returning to her hometown, giving a reunion experience between the characters. There are also impactful moments, including a visit from the ghost of Elizabeth’s father.

Final ThoughtsThe Wedding Pact 2 The Baby Pact is an enjoyable feel-good movie.