The Ways In Which Your Child Can Benefit From Learning To Play An Instrument

By Evette Garside @evette77

We all groan when the kids come out of school waving permission slips for a musical instrument. The thought of listening to a child practice a screechy violin or tunelessly practising the recorder is something very few of us relish, but once they crack it, it can be amazing. There are also some very clear benefits for children learning a musical instrument. Not only can it be an enjoyable hobby, but it can also have some fantastic effects on their development and education.

Playing an instrument stimulates different parts of the brain at the same time, making it perfect for cognitive development in young children. It is thought that the benefits of learning to play at a young age include improved memory, self-discipline, self-confidence, and can even help with reading and verbal skills.

Enhances verbal and reading skills

There has been found to be a direct link between young children and music education children and improved verbal and reading skills. It has been shown that children who have been involved in a music education program from a young age showed a transfer of cognitive skills into other, non-musical areas of the brain, such as verbal recognition, due to the changes in the brains of young children as they develop.

It improves discipline

Children often struggle to maintain self-discipline - it is not in their nature, and a lack of discipline can hold them back in education and other areas of development and life. Learning to play a musical instrument such as C Bechstein pianos is one of the best ways to encourage self-discipline in a child. Learning to play an instrument requires frequent practice, so those children who do this from an early age learn essential discipline and concentration skills that will benefit them in all areas of their life.

It stimulates emotional intelligence

One of the primary purposes of music is to evoke particular emotions and feelings. As children play instruments and listen to music, they will begin to get in touch with these emotions, which is one of the most significant benefits of learning to play a musical instrument. If practised regularly, this results in higher emotional intelligence, which leads to success in multiple areas of their adult lives.

It helps to develop confidence.

One of the most important things a child can learn is self-confidence. Music can help children to develop their self-confidence by allowing them to develop a skill. Once children find that they are improving at something, they often feel better about themselves. This encourages them to develop skills in other areas.

It enhances memory

Because learning an instrument uses different parts of the brain, new pathways form, linking parts of the brain that would not be connected otherwise. When playing an instrument, the area of your brain (the left side!) responsible for language and mathematical processes connects with the emotional and creative side that the right side of the brain controls. This results in the better making, storage, and retrieval of memories, which has enormous benefits for kids.