The Watermelon Negroni Slushee

By Therealbarman @TheRealBarman

We all know my affinity for Bourbon Slushees (I've stated out loud more than once that if 7-Eleven were ever to invest in a Bourbon Slushee machine in my area, I would be in at least once per day to purchase an extra large cup, along with a couple of those beef jerky sticks in the clear plastic bins that thousands of people touch).

For now, I'll have to make them at home, along with my newest interpretation of sophistication: the Negroni Slushee.

Or more specifically, the Watermelon Negroni Slushee.

There's nothing better than taking a classic, refined cocktail with decades of chronicled history behind it and reducing it to something you could buy on the Vegas strip in one of those 3-foot long plastic tubes.

In other words, it ruins cocktail purists' day, and for reasons I can't explain, that brings me joy.

In this case, it simply had to be done because the Watermelon Negroni Slushee, with it's bitter and refreshing flavors is absolutely delightful. And it's still summer for a little bit longer. Which means you can be sophisticated and still remain child-like, all in one drunken summer afternoon.

So, take your snob hat off and stay for awhile. Don't be Sam from Green Eggs and Ham. Try it, try it and you will see..

You'll love, love, love the Watermelon Negroni Slushee!