The Water Colors of Cassis

By Coreyamaro

Cassis is a place I adore, it is a small port town not far from where I live.

Last night we went there simply because we needed to soak in some of its color.

Sea blue.

A sip of Pastis.

Pale pink.

Golden yellow.

Evening purple.

A slice of orange.


Evening summer glow.


Along the port of Cassis we walked letting our sails soar, and silence dance while soaking in the last days of summer. 

Cassis by moonlight.

There is something about the lingering smell of tanning lotion mixed with the sea breeze, children's distance chatter, waves coming in, sails flapping... summer perfume of sorts.

Wrapped around one like moonlight on a summer evening.

Watercolor Cassis.

The heart of friendship.

I do not want my friend to go home.


Blue all around.


Another day.

If I stop counting will the days go by slower?