The Wandering Wasp

By Boiseartist

My Friend Marianne was gracious enough to ask me if I wanted a huge pile of art magazines before she recycled them. Of course I said yes. They are great for helping ideas flow, an example is this little tidbit from my other art friend Seth Apter.

As I was looking for something new and fun to do with this board I had AND I have this vintage set of  dictionaries my daughter gave me, this was the perfect project. I followed Seth's directions exactly. 

Then came the dilemma of what to do with the board. I had recently acquired this red frame at a moving sale of the reuse market which resells used donated goods to artists and schools.

The illustration I got off a Google search for a copyright free image of a wasp or bee and traced it onto a piece of transparency. The empty nests I found in my yard, while I was working on this piece while I was trimming my honeysuckle bush. I knew they would have to be added. And I made extra sure no one was home!

I like my pieces of art to have a story if possible. This is a true story.  I have not been bit by a stinging insect since I was a little kid,  but in the past few months I have gotten stung three times! all while mountain biking up at Bogus Basin Ski Resort. The first two stings were in my bra at the same time, not sure how the little buggers got in there. The third was on a second trip and on a different trail and this sting was under my arm and I was wearing short sleeves!
To finish it off, instead of framing it I glued it to a board I painted black and the edges of that board are painted the same red as the frame. I like to use double alliteration titles when possible, this piece is Called The Wandering Wasp. It is 11" x 17"