Hailing from Chicago, five self-proclaimed “hunks” known as The Walters released their EP Songs for Dads on November 28th. Armed with six tracks and a sound comparable to Dr. Dog, listeners are lured in by The Walters’ laid-back pop rock melodies and old-fashioned sound. Opening track “I Love You So” marks a strong start for this EP with gentle hooks, catchy underlying vocal work and clean, smooth buildups leading into the chorus. The instrumentals and vocals mesh well, creating a heartfelt blend of upbeat, beachy reminiscing. Opening with this track sets the tone for the rest of the EP — all in all, a consistently warm and feel-good listen. What might be most refreshing is the simplicity behind The Walters’ lyrics. The band sings about subjects relevant to everyday life, whether it’s a new girl coming to town or life passing by slowly. Their confessionals radiate timelessness and simply work when paired with a smooth guitar, soft drums and even softer harmonizing. You can download the full EP for free off their Bandcamp.