And while the anticipation is killing me, I don’t want it to come.
The Walking Dead Season 3 Finale means that we’re getting ready for months and months without new episodes of our favorite Zombie Apocalypse drama.
Season 3 has been full of some pretty great story telling – and while that has meant some slow episodes when it comes to getting to what things have been building to – I think that it has made for a better overall series.
If you aren’t caught up on Season 3 you probably don’t want to read any more of this post.
As we get ready for Sunday night and the finale there are some questions that we know need to be answered and some things that we think we’re probably going to see.
Andrea is tied to the most torturous dentist chair of all time and The Governor is going to have to make a move there which means that she’s either dead or getting away. Either way we’re going to see a tense scene with Andrea and The Governor and she’ll try to talk him down while knowing that she needs to kill him. I do not see it working, and I see her getting some sort of hurt from the 1 eyed man. In the end my money is on Andrea getting away. And I think it’s going to happen with the help of Milton, which will most likely lead to him dying. I could be wrong, there’s a chance that he ends up with Rick’s group – but I think Milton will die.
Tyreese and Jacqui are still in Woodbury and getting ready for war. However, we know that they haven’t been brain washed by The Gov and still hold on to the reality of knowing right from wrong. This could mean that they will find a way to get out and stop from doing the wrong thing. Or it could mean that they get caught up in a war of words and ideals and find themselves on the wrong side of a bullet or a walker. My gut says they keep their guts and end up back with the New Rick and the group. It feels to me like an Andrea, Jacqui & Tyreese getaway.
Daryl has just gone through his most difficult moment of the apocalypse. He thought he lost Merle a long time ago, but without proof and he always held on to the hope that he’d see him again. And we know that there was always a struggle between them and how their relationship worked, but they are brothers. Now with Merle gone (I told you, SPOILER) Daryl has trauma to deal with at the worst possible time. He will want to fight The Governor. He knows that Merle was shot and left to turn. He’ll want revenge.
The Group also has a decision to make. And in the preview video on it looks like they are packing up and getting ready to run. I don’t know if I buy it though. I have a feeling that there’s going to be a bait and switch ambush. In the sneak peek during The Talking Dead we see the Woodbury army breaching the prison yard without finding anyone around. But in a commercial we see a guard tower being blown up. That means there’s a fight. That means people are going to die. I’d love to see the group hiding in the woods, 100 yards deep, with cover, watching the army break in and finding nothing. I’d love to see Morgan inspired booby traps ready to take out some of the first wave. And I’d love even more to see the group take out some more from the back, grab the trucks and head to Woodbury. That’s where Andrea meets back up with the group and apologizes for not killing The Governor. It’s where Tyreese and Jacqui ask to join them and are accepted. And it’s where Milton, if still alive, gets his 2nd chance. But I still don’t think he’ll be alive.
The Governor is the last loose end to tie up. But I don’t think he gets tied off. I think that the group gets to Woodbury, gets their people, food, weapons, ammo and medicine and then hits the road before he can get back. I know that means The Gov doesn’t die. And that might disappoint people. But I think we need him to sneak back in at some point down the road. This is one bad dude. He doesn’t die easy. And I honestly don’t expect it to happen this week.
In the end I really have no idea what’s going to happen. I just have ideas and thoughts and conjecture and fantasies of what I think will go down or would look good going down on my TV.
All I hope for is good writing, good editing, good acting and a great pay-off.
Enjoy the show kids. Sunday, March 31, 9pm EST on AMC.