The Walking Dead Season 3

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

The Walking Dead is a phenomenon. It is a high selling comic book that has inspired a top rated and loved TV series. AMC took a risk when they decided to turn the post-apocolypse zombie horror comic into a prime time TV show a couple years back. With a Halloween premier date and a lot of great advertising I was really pumped to watch and see what this show had to offer. I loved that first episode. I thought it set up a great story. It had the perfect mix of a George Romero film mixed with 28 Days Later. If I’m honest that is where my love of the series stopped. As it continued I found myself becoming more and more annoyed with the main character’s personalities and actions. Most were unlikeable the others were boring. I hung in there and kept watching through the mid season finale of season 2. Then I stopped. I let the episodes pile up on the DVR planning on going back…but I just couldn’t. I didn’t care anymore about the fate of the Atlanta group. I would hear so many people, and most of my friends go on and on about how great it was. All I wanted to say was watch the original Dawn of the Dead and then tell me you still like The Walking Dead. I checked back in with the season 2 finale, which was…ok. It had some shocking moments, but I found myself still disinterested with the character’s fates. So I officially deleted the show off of my DVR list. I skipped out on season all together.

Sunday I saw the “new episodes” banner over The Walking Dead icon on Netflix. I have been on a TV binge lately quickly consuming The Killing, The Fall, and Top of the Lake. I was ready to start something else. So I figured why not give the show one last chance. I knew they had hired a new show runner(who is now fired). So I figured there was hope the show would take a better turn. One that actually had characters that I could root for. That’s all I’ve wanted. I’m so glad I decided to give it another shot!

Season 3 was fantastic. With the inclusion of the Governor and Michonne the show became a whole new beast. A beast worth watching. They gave long time popular secondary characters such as Carol and Daryl more story and personality. Rick became multidimensional with the death of his wife. He may have become frustrating and erratic, but his character became something more than it has been for 2 seasons. Andrea, a character that has had so much potential lead by an actress with even more, finally got a highlighted role in the series. The show really benefited by this move. I loved the Woodbury plot and the role Andrea played. I think the best move was including the Governor. The show finally had a viable “big bad” who wasn’t a walker…or Shane. Sorry to all who like Shane as a baddie, but I hated it. I watched all 16 episodes in two days. I couldn’t get enough and I cannot wait for season 4.

The place the show is at now gives it so much potential. I can see it going on for years to come if the acting, writing, and showrunning continue at the level that season 3 brought the show to. ALSO DO NOT KILL MICHONNE! Why are we seeing all the leading ladies kick the bucket? I think its time to get rid of a couple of the men before we lose another one of our females. Hopefully Carol and Michonne are around for the long haul. So if you haven’t watched Season 3, or left the series earlier like I did.. know it is safe to return. Check it out on Netflix you wont be disappointed. Promise.

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