meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has finally rolled out the much-awaited feature of WhatsApp. This is the new ‘Edit Messages’ feature of WhatsApp, which users were waiting for a long time. Today on May 22, Finally Mark has rolled out this feature for all users. Along with this, it has been informed that with the help of this new feature, you can edit the message sent with ‘typo’ within 15 minutes.
Mark Zuckerberg informed about this new ‘Edit Messages’ feature of WhatsApp through his Facebook post. He has shared a poster announcing the new feature. It can be seen in this poster how you will be able to edit the ‘mistyped message’ after sending it. Also, Mark has informed that users will have 15 minutes to edit the message that went with the typo. After 15 minutes you will not be able to take advantage of the edit feature.