The Wait Draws Nigh for Game of Thrones Season 4 Premiere

By Fashion Addicted Foodies @fashionfoodi

Vanity Fair Article GOT MAINIt’s only hours until Game of Thrones Season 4 Premiere is scheduled to hit the UK TV-screens on Sky Atlantic in an ad-free simulcast with the US Premiere on HBO. The Game time is 2am tonight with a replay at 9pm on Monday night (April 7th). While we patiently wait to expect the unexpected on Game of Thrones Season 4 let’s remind us who has survived so far with these photos from Vanity Fair April 2014 Issue.


David Benioff and D. B. Weiss (creators of HBO’s Game of Thrones), and George R.R. Martin (author of A Song of Ice and Fire Series) on casting the Game of Thrones:
Peter Dinklage had to play Tyrion Lannister, the “halfman” in “A Song of Ice and Fire” whom Martin has called his favorite character. Tyrion begins as a quippy hedonist before developing into a power player (and—spoiler alert—then a convict and fugitive in the upcoming season)


George R.R. Martin on unpredictability in his fiction:
“Bran is the first of the major characters you meet [in A Song of Ice and Fire], after the prologue. So you think, Oh, O.K., this is Bran’s story—Bran’s gonna be a hero here. And then: Whoops! What just happened to Bran there? Immediately, you’re changing the rules. And, hopefully, from that point, the reader is a little uncertain.”


Although Martin’s imagination may be limitless, the show’s life span is not: Benioff and Weiss say they would like to wrap it up after seven or eight seasons. “It doesn’t just keep on going because it can,” Weiss says. “I think the desire to milk more out of it is what would eventually kill it, if we gave in to that.”

Quotes from Vanity Fair Article: The Gathering Storm
Photos: Vanity Fair