FIRST FIVE: Dan Realson, He Who Shall Not Be Named, Bill McLaughlin, Monica Caraffa, & Elke Raskob
Honorable Mention: Nancy OboyskiFriday's Cable Top 5
Gold Rush-Discovery 1.9/4.6TBS Movie-TBS .9/1.8
Anderson Cooper-CNN .9/2.6
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/2.0
Law & Order SVU-USA .8/2.4
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5
NFL Football-NBC 7.6/20.060 Minutes-CBS 4.5/17.7
Football Night in America-NBC 3.2/9.1
Survivor-CBS 3.1/11.0
Survivor Reunion-CBS 2.3/8.7
Sunday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
Sunday Night Football-NBC 688,879The Simpsons-FOX 103,145
Survivor Finale-CBS 84,539
Family Guy-FOX 58,955
Jenni Rivera-Univision 57,526
Sunday's Cable Top 5
Sunday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
VH1 Diva's 2012-VH! 562,803
The Real Housewives of Atlanta-Bravo 108,345
Dexter-Showtime 94,445
Love & Hip Hop-VH1 58,263
Homeland-Showtime 56,774
Top 5 DVR'ed shows for the week of 11/26-12/2
Modern Family from a 4.7 to a 7.0 (+49%)
Big Bang Theory from a 5.5 to a 7.4 (+35%)
Revolution from a 2.9 to a 4.6 (+59%)
Grey's Anatomy from a 3.1 to a 4.7 (+52%)
New Girl-from a 2.3 to a 3.7 (+61%)
I Tivo'ed the series finale of Gossip Girl, but still haven't watched it. I couldn't wait to find out who Gossip Girl was all this time, so I had to go online and find out. I have a feeling that a lot of us haven't seen the show yet and this one I just don't want to ruin for anyone...I will say...I love who it was. PERFECTION
News & Information:
*Nielsen, my favorite ratings service (I'm being sarcastic) is partnering up with Twitter and releasing a new product in 2013...the Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings. I think it's about time that social became a part of the equation. Here's the thing...I'm against Nielsen ratings in general these days. Sure we need them, they are the industry currency and it's what we use. But knowing how we all consume and view TV these days, it's important to really get under live viewing and what I call engaged viewing. In the ad biz, it's important to know who is actually VIEWING your spot, when they are viewing it and where. My feeling is, if someone is watching a show live and they have so much passion that they are tweeting, facebooking, checking in etc. those viewers are a valueable commodity because they are: A) watching the show live B) they can be influential and C) they are watching our ads. So with all of the tools out there, and the ones down the pike, we are all going to need to figure out a way to use this info and take advantage of the knowledge it provides us with. I could go on and on about Nielsen, and Social Ratings, but I don't want anyone to get bored reading this's just a topic that I feel passionate about myself.
*Discovery cancelled the show American Guns but didn't reveal the reason. I'm sure we can all speculate the reason Discovery people, but okay, if you want to attempt to be mysterious here, we can go with it.
*A new network is coming, a new network is coming. This ones going to be different, no I swear, they say this ones IS going to be different. Participant Media is planning to launch a cable network aimed at 18-34 year olds with programming that will be "inspiring and thought provoking". So far the network doesn't have a name but it is set to launch next summer. Participant Media acquired The Documentary Channel and should have an initial reach of 40 million cable subscribers. I thought that Current TV was supposed to be thought provoking and inspiring and aimed at 18-34 year'd that go? Shall we get Al Gore to tell us?
*One of my favorite TV websites, Hitfix, surveyed TV critics around the country for their Top 10 programs of the year. You know I love a good list and as the year closes out there will be more and more to come. Here is the Hitfix Top 10:
10. Sherlock
9. Downton Abbey
8. Parks & Recreation
7. The Walking Dead
6. Girls
5. Game of Thrones
4. Louie
3. Mad Men
2. Homeland
1. Breaking Bad
I like HitFix's list better than TV Guides, I'll say that much, but I'm still miffed whenever I see Girls on any list. I'd replace it with Parenthood.
*Showtime's Sunday night finales of Dexter and Homeland were record breakers for the network. Dexter's finale was THE highest rated episode ever for a Showtime original series. The show deliered 2.7 million viewers during it's 9pm airing and 3.4 million for the night. Homeland delivered 2.3 million viewers at 10pm and 2.7 million viewers for the night. Once I finish Sons of Anarchy, Dexter is next. I gotta start watching it.
*Some Hulu facts:
- Hulu will finish 2012 with approximately $695 million in revenue
- This represents an increase of 65% vs. 2011.
- The number of Hulu Plus subscribers has more than doubled over the past year, rising to over 3 million.
- Launching on Apple TV, Nintendo Wii and Wii U, Windows 8 tablets, and a number of new Android tablets and smartphones this year, Hulu Plus can now be accessed from over 320 million connected devices in the US.
- The company grew the number of available Hulu and Hulu Plus titles by over 40%. Hulu now has more than 430 content partners, 60,000 TV episodes, 2,300 TV series, and 50,000 hours of total video.
- Hulu invested more than $500 million in content this year, and since the company launched in October 2007, it has generated over $1 billion for its content partners.
- In 2012, Hulu served more than 1,000 advertisers, an increase of 28% versus last year.