the Violet Summer Issue is Here!

By Agadd @ashleegadd


It’s done! Read the summer issue of The Violet here! To be honest, I wasn’t as involved with this issue because, you know, I was off having a baby. Good excuse, right? But, I did manage to write a little something on marriage and parenthood. Here’s an excerpt from my piece on page 82….

“Eight weeks ago my husband and I became parents. First-timers, as some would say. It’s been eight weeks of sheer joy, fleeting frustration, giggles, exhaustion-induced arguments, and more discussions about poop than I care to admit. Our date nights have transitioned from fancy downtown dinners to spaghetti and Netflix, where we now find ourselves within constant arm’s reach of the video monitor.
Prior to getting pregnant, one of my greatest fears (aside from the weight gain and stretch marks, obviously) was the idea that parenthood would change our marriage. After five years as husband and wife, we were finally getting to that place. That place where marriage is almost easy. Almost. The fights are fewer and far between; the sacrifices are more frequent and genuine. Our selfishness is slowly (and I do mean slowly) evolving into selflessness. I think we both would agree that our marriage has, by the grace of God and with much intentional effort, steadily improved each year. Every day, through mistakes and apologies, we’re gradually learning to love each other a little bit better.”

So go! Read the rest! Happy Friday!