The Video of Ray Rice Knocking out His Fiance is Down Right Disturbing.

By Ceboscuit @ceboscuit
September 8, 2014

I tweeted this morning that I think the Ravens should flat out release Ray Rice and that Roger Goodell should be given a vote of “no confidence” and removed from his position.  Remember, Goodell made $44 million dollars last year and the best he could do was give Ray Rice a two game suspension for almost killing his soon to be wife.  Look at that video again, after he punches her, she just about catches her head on the hand rail that lines the elevator.  That’s some, you’re lucky to be alive shit right there.

This isn’t going to go over too well in our obsessive, instant, pageviews driven media world we live in (see this blog I’m writing.)  Wait a minute, this shouldn’t go over well ANYWHERE at ANYTIME!  This is the absolute worst.  This is a professional football player who is extremely strong knocking out his fiance who may weight 100 pounds.  To make it worse, this guys signature touchdown scoring celebration is flexing those muscles that he used to knock out his fiance.  Again, this is the WORST.

Look, if NBA owners are being forced out for making racist comments, shouldn’t a commissioner be ousted if he can’t determine whether the video below is a big deal or now?

How bad does it look now that Ray Rice’s fiance’ apologized at the press conference a few months ago?  How bad does it look for everyone involved who thought that she should get up there in front of the world and say, “I’m sorry?”  This woman almost died because her man can’t control his temper and it was partly her fault?  Pretty sure after I watched the video below I didn’t feel that way at all and really, no one should.  Absolutely terrible.

Yeah, Ray, that's the one you used to knock out your fiance'.

Yeah, Ray, that’s the one you used to knock out your fiance’.


Ray Rice — ELEVATOR KNOCKOUT … Fiancee Takes Crushing Punch [Video]
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