The Vetala

By Vikasacharya

Vikas Acharya:

A vetala can be a vampire, a flesh eater and blood drinker, like a skeleton with large tattered wings. #shiksha2learn

Originally posted on Vikas Acharya:

A vetala can be a vampire, a flesh eater and blood drinker, like a skeleton with large tattered wings.

In Hindu folklore, the vetala is an evil spirit who haunts cemeteries and takes demonic possession of corpses.They make their displeasure known by troubling humans which mainly includes affection towards God and good in the person as they want them to be evil minded. In their course of action they can drive people mad by knowing the psychological defects of the person, kill children by making them mentally weak to commit suicide, and cause miscarriages. They say it guards villages, but they are not doing that. According to ancient secret texts available with High Priest of a family they say during old days bandits used to steal valuable treasure in the Hindu temples to protect them. They made the public believe that vetalas are guarding the village which…

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