The Vampire Diaries 3x07: Ghost World

Posted on the 29 October 2011 by Tvgeek @TVGeek_blog

Original Air Date: 27 October 2011

Storyline: As Mystic Falls prepares to celebrate the traditional Illumination Night, the town is invaded by spirits of the dead. After a particularly violent encounter with an angry spirit, Damon asks Bonnie to find the reason behind the ghosts' surprising power. Elena convinces Jeremy to use his connection to the other side to help her find a new way to reach Stefan, leading Jeremy to a terrible choice. Finally, Alaric discovers a long-hidden clue to the past.Best Quote:

Damon: It's about time.
Alaric: Didn't have anyone else to call?
Damon: No, actually, I don't. 'Cause I need a non-vampire to get in the cave, and other than Elena, you're pretty much the only one I trust.
Alaric: Well, you have a crappy way of showing that.

Damon's BestI don’t have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they’re supposed to stay dead.Review: Does anyone else feel like the showrunners are running out of ideas and just keep improvising instead of sticking to what they did best in the first two seasons. I agree with Damon on this one, when you kill someone, "they're supposed to stay dead". Unless they have a resurrection ring, which neither of the ghosts that came to mess with things in this episode had.

So guess what? Not only is Mason back (bless his blue eyes!), but so is Lexi and oh, wait, that's not all of it! Remember those tomb vampires? That was the icing on the cake... or whatever the bad version of that expression is. Seriously, guys, all these characters have had suitable exists from the show, and now they were brought back only to justify the main characters' actions - which could have easily been explained in some other way. I mean, Bonnie would have broken up with Jeremy eventually, Caroline could have told Elena that the way to cure Stefan for his blood addiction is to torture him (I mean, isn't that what her father did to her?), and they could have discovered the writings on that cave wall in some other way, they didn't need to bring Mason - of all useless characters - back. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention Grams. Does this remind you of another vampire show that messed it up pretty badly this summer with the whole ghost world thing?
The entire hour felt like a poor excuse to do a Halloween episode without actually doing a Halloween episode. And this is actually worse than having everybody dress up in costume and go trick or treating. 
And bringing back all these dead people wouldn't have been that bad if there would have been any logic whatsoever to the flow of the events. It's not only that the editing seemed chopped, but some of the things simply didn't make sense, like Damon being strapped in a chair one minute and then driving his car the next, or Lexi suddenly being able to control other vampires' minds without being an Original, Mason knowing about a weapon able to kill Klaus, and seemingly every ghost who returned having some kind communication channel with other entities from the other side, though, as Anna said, the ones that haven't moved over are essentially alone there.
Yes, people, I know it's a supernatural show. I've been a fan of those ever since I was a little girl. But there has to be at least some kind of logic to what happens, not "invent 26 dimensions to get the math to work", to quote one of my favorite TV geeks.
Also, didn't Tobias Fell's murder seem way random? What now? How is the Council going to explain that one? And whatever happened to Rebekah, Tyler, not to mention Katherine and Mikael? 
As for the characters, it's a fail after another with most of them. Bonnie is one of the most two-dimensional characters on TV, Jeremy is suddenly in love with Anna all over again (though I'm pretty sure he would have gotten cozy with Vicki too would she not have been so determined to kill his sister), Stefan's ripper mode didn't show at all, and I'm pretty sure TVD will never take the same chance BtVS did with Buffy and Angel and will do everything - even if that everything makes no sense - to keep Stefan and Elena together. Why do I watch this show again?
Oh yeah, I remember now, for Damon. Say what you may, but Ian Somerhalder kind of saves the day over and over again. As always, he got the best lines and he and Alaric are back in bromance mode. He was amazingly sweet when he told Alaric that he was the only one he could trust. Let's face it, this is the best - even if dysfunctional - relationship this show has built so far.
As for the other stuff, I'm glad Jeremy and Bonnie are over; those two didn't match and honestly, after last week's episode, I sensed something between Bonnie and Matt. Elena is going from kick-ass to pathetic in less than it takes a Ferrari to go from 0 to 60 and I regret now what I said about her last week: she's still an annoying whiny bitch and I hope Damon can find better. I loved how Caroline rushed to save Mrs. Lockwood, though amazed that she even stood a chance against those hundred-year old vampires. And I hope the next episode will be awesome - the preview surely looks like it - and that we never see another ghost ever again.
The Vampire Diaries 3x06: Smells Like Teen Spirit
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