The Value of Writing Down Your Goals

By Kathleen O'Malley @frugalportland

Hi friends!

I hope you’ve been enjoying the debt payoff stories and strategies from our staff writers, and I hope you’re liking the Portland-centric stuff (I know I am!).

If it feels like I haven’t been writing as much, that’s just because I haven’t been writing much here. I’m posting all the time at Stacking Benjamins and For Profit Blogging, some of the time at The Free Financial Advisor, and, over the last several months, I’ve been building a physical product.

And now, the Kickstarter is live, and I want to talk to you about it.

The Value of Writing Down Your Goals

I am a goal-oriented person. By that, I mean I love setting goals, writing them down, and, for example, starting a blog to tell the world I’m going to get out of debt once and for all.

I have set resolutions a thousand times (I’m super old), many of them here:

  • 30 Personal Finance Resolutions for 2015
  • 2014 New Year’s Resolutions
  • 2012 Summer Solstice Resolutions
  • 2012 Resolutions

And I have to say, they work. Writing down my goals gets me clear on what I want to work toward (although I still can’t do a pull up, but I will by #Fincon15, and I’m going to find Steve Stewart and just start doing pull ups in front of him!).

Why I Love Goals

Last night, when I was at Dress for Success, the women in the group were creating vision boards. The instructor told them to pull images and quotes for what their lives would be like in six months.

Now, I usually go for the bigger picture — what does my life look like forever? But I loved what the shorter timeline did.

Her instruction:

What does your life look like by Thanksgiving?

The women responded with awesome ideas:

  • There were pictures of fruits and vegetables, along with some bikini bodies cut from magazines. I’m going to be healthier by Thanksgiving, and so is my family.
  • There were plenty of pictures of money. I’m going to be debt free. Debt free, by Thanksgiving! You go, girls!
  • One woman had a picture of a watch, then a picture of a clock. I’m going to make more time for my family in the next six months.

I’m not going to lie, some of their vision boards brought tears to my eyes.

That is why I like setting goals. Thinking about what you want out of life isn’t enough. You’ve got to write them down.

The simple act of writing down your goals, then referring back to them quarterly will change your life.

That’s what The Remarkable Year is all about.

It’s a planner/journal/motivational coach that takes you through goal setting, then checks back in with you quarterly. In the meantime, you write down all the things you were able to get done in a given week, in various categories. It turns into a gorgeous keepsake that you put on your shelf and refer back to for the rest of your life.

I Need Your Help

Can you do me a favor and check it out? Then, can you share it with your networks?

Maybe something like these:

One year. Endless possibilities. @remarkableyear
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Planner/Calendar/Motivational Coach. @remarkableyear
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What will you do with one remarkable year?
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Thanks so much! We have 29 days to go, and we already have 14 backers (and only one of those is my dad!). With your help, we can get funded and help lots of people make their year remarkable!