The Value of Protein

By Yonni @vegandthecity

The value of blending over
juicing is that you retain
the fiber without diluting
the nutritional punch of the

One of the most popular questions asked of vegans is “How do you get enough protein?”The question does not just come from your grandmother or the woman in the check-out line behind you, but from doctors and fitness professionals as well. Protein is essential for sure.  It helps optimize brain function, and we all know how much more effectively we work when our brains are firing on all synapses.  The good news is, there are plenty of plant-based proteins that will more than adequately support your diet, without the need for eggs, fish, meat and dairy.  Having protein at breakfast helps wake you up and get you going, and no, despite lots of claims to the contrary, eating breakfast will not make you fat. 
Researchers from the University of Missouri “used MRI scans to compare the brain activity of teens who ate high-protein breakfasts to teens who either skipped breakfast or ate breakfasts moderate in protein. Right before lunch, the breakfast skippers were the hungriest, but the MRI scans showed that those who ate the high-protein breakfast experienced less brain activity in regions that control food motivation, or hunger, than those who ate cereal for breakfast. The researchers concluded that having a breakfast rich in protein can help you stay fuller for longer compared to having a lower-protein breakfast.”
According to the College of Nursing at the University of Cincinnati, when you eat a meal, your body uses carbohydrates first. “If you eat simple carbohydrates, such as donuts, pastries and sugary cereal, your body uses the carbohydrates quickly, but if you have complex carbohydrates, as found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain breads and cereals, your body takes longer to metabolize the carbohydrates. Once it has done so, it begins to use the protein. Pairing your protein source with complex carbohydrates can help you remain satisfied until lunch, reducing your urge to have between-meal snacks.”

Buy frozen fruit or
freeze your own before
it goes bad!

As vegans, we can focus on lower-fat foods, such as whole grains, nuts and beans in finding, and enjoying, the sources of those proteins.  My breakfast this morning did just that.  In my Nutribullet I put in kale, parsley, vanilla vegan protein powder, natural peanut butter, frozen berries, and unsweetened almond milk. It was high in fiber, and mixed carbs with varied proteins.  It is filling, and 3 hours later, I still have some left and am not craving anything additional.  With lunch still 2 hours away, I am staving off hunger and keeping my focus.  Not to mention, I am doing great things for my body. 
If you don’t have a nutribullet, or shakes are not your thing, have a tablespoon of nut butter or some vegan cheese with an apple or piece of whole grain toast, or some scrambled tofu with veggies and maybe some potato.  It does not have to be an elaborate meal – just something to get you started on the right foot.