The similarity might not be intentional, but its far too obvious.
Pakistan's gun culture has been mentioned before--and they love their guns as much, if not more, than people in the US. Pakistan even has an equivalent of the Second Amendment as gun loons envision it in their Constitution!
Well, they weren't gonna be outdone in the mass shooting department by the US of A.
No way.
The Pakistanis, especially the Taliban, had to show that they were freedom loving people like their US counterparts with a massive school shooting.
At least 126 people, most of them children, have been killed in a Taliban assault on an army-run
Hali Ph'shar (ALEX BOWIE / GETTY)
school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar.Peshawar--sound familiar? Yeah, it's the home of the Darra Gun Bazaar! It's Pakistani Gun Loon Central!
Let's toss in that the School was run by the Army.
I don't give a shit what you clowns think, but there were probably more "good guys with guns" on the spot than you could count.
I also doubt there will be much of a movement to try and ban guns in this part of the world as well.
But, this definitely changes the dialog.
The Taliban know the real meaning of FREEDOM!