The Universe is Truly a Remarkable Thing: See How a Buckyball Relates to a Boeing

Posted on the 19 April 2012 by Periscope @periscopepost

A still from the animation.

Have you ever wondered just where we fit in the grand scheme of things? Or how you scale up against a blue whale, a buckyball, a nucleus or a galaxy? Well now you can find out exactly how everything in this strange and wonderful universe of ours fits together.

Cary and Michael Huang, a pair of brothers, have made a mesmerising animation called The Scale of the Universe 2 which will blow your mental capacity. Scroll backwards to the tiniest known particles, and forwards to the most enormous, meeting giant worms, dodos, T rexes, Boeing 747s and everything else along the way. You can check it out here. Whilst Phil Plait on Discovery Magazine wanted more clickable links, most everyone else is reeling with awe.