The Universe is Listening

By Masfashion

River Island Graphic Shift dress

I really, whole-heartily believe you need to tell the universe what you want. Everyone always asks if I read, “The Secret” and I haven’t but I have believed this for a long time. My dear friend Molly gave me the book to read but I never quite finished it. However, even before the book my interest was peaked. I have seen it happen many times over, people who know what they want, say it aloud, and it happens. Growing up I had the mentality, “whatever happens was meant to be.” Now, I am not waiting around for “whatever happens,” I want to make it happen. I want to grab the bull by the horns and make it listen. I am ready for bigger things and I hope the universe is listening!

Lets get real for a second – I see an intuitive councilor a few times a year. She taps into the “other side” of things and helps me with issues I may not even know I am struggling with. Quite powerful! She is HUGE on visualizing and vocalizing what you want. I have been practicing this “visualization and vocalization” for a while now and see a significant difference. I am not saying if you visualize to win the lottery you will win but I think if you see what you want in life, imagine yourself there, and speak it aloud and you may just be surprised.

Okay, so why did I get off on this tangent of thought - because last night it ended up being around 80 degrees and very breezy! Remember in yesterday’s post I was complaining so much about the heat and how horrible it was? Well, it is just like the universe heard my pleas! It is currently a cool 75 and overcast! Listening much? Okay, okay, so this is totally a random act of God but I thought it was quite humorous! I even had another bright summery look lined up for today’s post just to say sorry for being such a negative nancy yesterday! I was going to say how the Texas heat really isn’t that bad but then I got hit with 75 and I realized…no it really is that bad! So instead I leave with some food for thought and a bright look!