An American reporter rides along with a British park ranger through a park filled with multidimensional unicorns. A princess and a poisoned zombie queen must find the queen's murderer before the queen decomposes...or eats someone. The cutthroat world of competitive unicorn riding gets even more intense after a relationship might end the career of a rider. A man's life is ruined after he is unjustly accused of defiling a noblewoman, but he is led to the lady by a magnificent beast. A brash bookseller must navigate demons, black market couriers, pretty girls, and gumshoes while searching out a most unusual artifact.
(@TachyonPub, 9 May 2019, 288 pages, ebook, copy from @TachyonPub and voluntarily reviewed)
So, I'm sort of fanatical about unicorns. I'm not sure where this came from. Even my work colleagues have nicknamed me Stabby the Magic Unicorn. I wouldn't ask if I were you. I love unicorn mythology. I've read a few books by the editor; Peter S. Beagle so had high books for this collection. I liked the wide range of stories inside. They all contains unicorns in one form or another but tackle them in very different ways including unicorns being hunted for their horns so the horn can be used to make a dildo (!). Some of the stories are quite old and were first published in the 80's. You can tell because these don't work as well as some of the stories in the collection. There are three excellent stories in the collection that make reading it worth the effort; Stampede of Light by Marina Fitch, The Highest Justice by Garth Nix and The Transfigured Hart by Jane Yolen.