The Underrated Marketing Machine Entrepreneurs Should Be Using

Posted on the 24 March 2014 by Scotcombs @3rdplanetmedia

“Despite YouTube’s undeniable popularity among consumers, marketers seem to be less familiar with the platform. Market-research firm eMarketer expects that just two in five U.S. companies, or 40.5 percent, will use YouTube for marketing purposes in 2014. The brands that are participating on the platform are giving cat videos a run for their money. Indeed, in 2013, three branded videos cracked YouTube’s top 10 most watched videos of the year for the first time.

Still, for more than half of the companies in the U.S. to not leverage the world’s largest video platform as a marketing opportunity is inexcusable, especially now that more digital media is consumed than TV.  And YouTube is no small potato.

With more than six billion hours of video consumed each month — almost an hour for every person on Earth — its viewership continues to skyrocket. It’s also not just a video hosting platform – it’s the most popular search engine after Google, ahead of both Bing and Yahoo, according to an infographic by Mushroom Networks.

Here are three reasons why marketing on YouTube should be a top priority:” More from this article by Jeff Davis>>>