The Ultimate Pick-Me-Up: A Night With the Girls

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Sometimes, the worst thing you can do when you’re feeling sad is to sit all by yourself. When you’re really down, it can be hard to face people at first, but if you surround yourself with friends, whatever’s bothering you will be shelved for a while. It will give you a well-earned break.

That’s why women love having a night in with the girls. According to a survey by Ladbrokes Bingo, 70% of UK women preferred a night in with the girls to a night out. Not only is it more comfy and less expensive, but you can hardly get the goss with blaring nightclub music drowning out your voices!

What do we get up to?

Get your friends together for a bit of a boost, and get chatting. 69% of women surveyed said having a good gossip was the best thing about staying in.

Whatever is eating you up or making you sad, your friends will be more than happy to hear about it and offer advice. When a friend says she’s here for you, she means it.

A drink…or maybe more

Making your own cocktails or sharing a bottle of wine is so much fun with friends. And when you get hungry, order a takeaway. No talk of diets here!

And while you’re munching, stick on a good chick flick for a good giggle. Staring at Ryan Gosling is good for chasing the blues away.

Playing Games

If you’ve got a console such as a Nintendo Wii, pop on a couple of games for you all to play. After that glass or two of wine, things can get pretty hilarious. 64% of women said they’d go for a couple of games to get the fun going, with charades or perhaps a few card games.

Get pampered

Feeling great on the outside leads to feeling great on the inside! Get face masks and pampering gear to share with your friends, and soon you’ll be feeling like a million dollars. 35% of women said this was their favourite thing about a night in.

Don’t tackle feeling down all by yourself. It’s time to have some fun!

“brought to you by Ladbrokes Bingo”