The Ultimate Horoscope Guide for 2018 – Your Year Ahead

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

It's that time of the year when all of us Astrologers try and predict what lies ahead for you. These predictions have been written to fit your Ascendant sign, not your Sun Sign.

Your Ascendant Sign is dependent not only on the day your were born but also the time that you were born, as well as the place of your birth. You see, the earth is constantly spinning and your relationship to the planets is therefore constantly changing. The Ascendant sign affecting where you live is constantly changing approximately every 2 hours - 2 hours x 12 Astrological signs = 24 hours in one day. Virtually all other Astrologers do not take this into account when writing daily, weekly, monthly or yearly Horoscopes, which is why my ones are certain to be more accurate than any others that you will find on the internet.

Ascendant predictions are the only accurate way of doing yearly predictions as the chart is orientated correctly. There is a link just below where you can find it out, if you know your time of birth.

Find Your Ascendant Sign

Once you know your Ascendant sign then I hope that you'll find these carefully written predictions will be much more accurate and informative than your normal Sun sign Horoscopes. One other tip. If you know that your Ascendant degree is 25 -29 degrees Aries, then I suggest you read Taurus instead as it may be more accurate for you.

This is my gift to the world and to you all as they are free for everyone to read. Writing them has been a labour of love, and I do not know of any Astrologer who has attempted to do a whole year's predictions in such detail before. Please share them - then all your friends and colleagues can benefit too.

If you find them useful, I would very much appreciate it if you could give me a donation to help me out so that I can continue to keep the website and blog up and running. I strongly suggest that you bookmark these pages for future reference, and to check back to see if what I have predicted came true for you. As accurate as these horoscopes may be, they can never be as spot on as a personal reading will be. If you are interested in one for the future, or have any questions about Astrology please get in touch with me at

Many thanks and I hope 2018 is a great year for you,
